Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Personal Blogs: Thoughts @ fiarisalfabeta

A meditation site, full of poetry and thoughts among them being the relative. A place to savor a few messages with words of great importance that we make more people. Un blog que adopta a Mafalda como símbolo de inconformismo con nuestra forma de afrontar el mundo en el que se nos… (leer más)

Blogs Graphics: Doenjo photoblog

A window with a photo subject us overlooking a city with Goblin, showing us the corners most beautiful and representative in a walk thought through their arteries broken by the Guadalquivir. Un blog que encanta visualmente y que enseña a apreciar cada rincón de una ciudad que brilla en sus fotografias, al tiempo… (leer más)

Blogs Graphics: Rayajos in the Air

A blog in which the mind of the creator “rayajos” teachers allows us to visually enjoy its magnificent art and audiovisual selection offers us daily. Scratches of art mixed with a human sensitivity that is facing a social criticism openly- Una galería de pensamientos e imágenes que se… (leer más)

Personal Blogs: @ Balov

In these pages the essence of cosmopolitan city breathes, Madrid, and the people who inhabit; sus stories, their sensitivity to the problems of others, their daily lives, his interest in art and painting, its policy review, monuments…. Balovega integrates su blog in that spirit that characterizes anonymous to citizens, al que… (leer más)

Blogs Documentaries: Stories of History

A blog that brings us the story with a narrative that creates interest. A window into the past in a varied and attractive selection of stories who discover new perspectives of our ancestors, presented in an attractive way. Un blog para descansar de lo cotidiano y sumergirse en épocas que han marcado nuestro presente. A… (leer más)

Blogs Documentaries: Holocaust in Spanish

A blog that tells us the rawness of a grey period of our history. Plunges us into the experiences of people who suffered the horror of a cruel war, with a graphic documentation exquisitely selected and with a plot that captivates. Un blog que merece la pena exprimir; con una visión rigurosa y que aporta información… (leer más)

Blogs Graphics: Looking to Infinity

A blog of a lover of the photo which gives us the view with their Fractals calendars. A futuristic aesthetic that knows combine education with entertainment. A technological space in form with current content. Un mundo personal que atrae en el poso estético subyacente. Mirando al Infinito Administrada por Paco Lozano Blog… (leer más)

PIZiadas in Oils: Jesus [Series “letters”]

Tengo una série de cuadros en los que se representan amigos y personas que me rodean.
“Jesus” tiene dos caras:
La amable como la de un pichón y la dura que le acerca al Águila. Ambos vuelan sobre los campos españoles que recorre incansablemente.

Your name, and their faces are reflected in this picture.
Do you see them?

Blogs Graphics: Foto Bazaar

Photo Bazaar is a blog that collects fantastic images that stand out in many ways; It captures themes varied with great quality photos; does fantasy worlds with images that illustrate unique in its aesthetic thoughts; añade imágenes singulares de la vida real o fotomontajes de impacto visual. Un lugar donde recrearse y conocer estéticas novedosas…. (leer más)

Blogs Graphics: My eye Purple

Os recomiendo un blog en el que lo gráfico se ve reflejado en todas sus manifestaciones con una fuerza extraordinaria; donde se mezclan la fotografía con un enfoque personal; la imagen de síntesis se encuentra adornada con la matemática fractal; el arte se empapa de agua con acuarelas limpias y frescas; todo con un gusto… (leer más)