Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Ecuador y wikileaks [ wallpaper ] [ Imagen ]


Ecuador ha concedido asilo político a Julian Assange, fundador de Wikileaks.

The diplomatic dispute is served. As the U.S. presses for extradition, Europe is as an intermediary with a new country in this delirious story of powers: Ecuador.

The image of the day reflects the relationship between Julian Assange and Ecuador, abanderada de una justicia informativa y de la libertad de expresión de Julian Assange y Wikileaks.

Prime time [ Animation ]

Prime time

Cuando miramos la televisión nos convertimos en otras personas.

En este simpático corto de animación nos transportamos a la época de las cavernas para observar este fenómeno en dos personajes de esta época.
¿Seremos tan primitivos en nuestras reacciones como estos cavernícolas?

Un corto creado (escrito y dirigido con un equipo de 25 personas) por Tom Dor, animador israelí, entre los años 2005 and 2006.

Nuts and Bolts [ Wallpaper ] [ Blender ]

Nuts and Bolts

Blender incorporates the ability to create threaded bolts and nuts in a simple. These joints are complex to model using traditional editing tools, so grateful that they are incorporated into the latest versions of software.

To access these utilities we enter the User Preferences menu and activate the functionality.

RGB [ Cycles ] [ Wallpaper ]


An exercise in rendering the engine Cycles, Spot type three foci in the primary colors of light (Red, Green, Blue), projected onto three planes (horizontal bands) textured glass (glass) in identical colors.
The sum of the different colors allows for other side, and center, where all the three foci, The white color.

Aros Olímpicos [ Wallpaper ]

A wallpaper to be used as wallpaper, memory of the last Olympics held in London, 2012. The next meeting will be in Brazil in 2016.
A tribute to the efforts of the athletes who have offered two weeks of illusions with their effort.
The Olympic rings are the main symbol of the Olympic Games. This symbol is composed of five interlocking rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green. Estos cinco anillos representan las cinco partes del mundo que se han unido al olimpismo y que han aceptado competir sanamente.

Hold the Line [ Animation ]

Hold the line

The 22 June 2005 in television and film academy premiered Dutch animated short “Hold the Line“. A parody of human stupidity set in a hostile environment: A war. Four soldiers tear us smile with his departure martial, su jerarquía protocolaria y la sin razón de… (leer más)

SIGGRAPH 2012 : Computer Animation Festival Trailer

The SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival is an annual event in which the world's most innovative works are presented in the field of digital cinema. An internationally recognized jury receives hundreds of proposals and presents the best work of the year at the Festival of daily screenings and Electronic Theatre. Las selecciones incluyen los… (leer más)

Closed for holidays


Close for holidays, short but deserved.

For a few days we will not post on the blog, but will be back with new images and updated contents of our topics of interest:

Blender and rendered with Cycles
Geometry and technical drawing
And above all, mucha imagen en formato wallpaper.

Environment Texture [ Cycles ] [ Blender ]


Los mapas de entorno permiten recrear un escenario a partir de una imagen panorámica de 360 grados.

Cycles in Blender has a node to create a fund from such images, reflejándose en los objetos que forman la escena.

En el menú “World” podemos definir la iluminación de entorno así como la imagen de fondo o mapa de entorno.