Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Technology

Failures: Tribute to Fire

Fire called chemical reaction of oxidation of combustible material violent, flames with evolution of, heat, water vapor and carbon dioxide. It is an exothermic process. From this point of view, fire is the visual manifestation of combustion. A set of computer-generated animations synthetic illustrate these concepts.


To represent objects in 3D animations, are typically used a set of surfaces formed by triangles or quadrilaterals (quads), on which textures are applied to create the relief effect. There are other techniques used also implied less known. Metaball is the name of a technique by computer graphics to simulate organic interaction between different n-dimensional objects (mixing as mercury droplets over the surface) and was invented by Jim Blinn to early 1980.

Video presentations: Create an input mask with Blender

By incorporating elements embedded in our blog pages, occasionally use video presentations or powerpoint type. I support mainly use videos, especially if they are self-produced. Las posibilidades que ofrece este formato son claramente superiores a otros medios y me parece interesante mejorar su presencia con el diseño de caretas de entrada… (leer más)

3D Animation, introduction to the interface [ Experimental Blogs ] [ Blender ]

In the last article we showed some of the capabilities of Blender as a tool for animation production. In this new installment began to explore the software to learn how to use. The first thing to do is to understand the “UI” for how to structure the screen and what has built the application menus…. (leer más)