Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Tutorial

Graphical Programming: Double buffering : Draw in the background [JAVA]


When creating the animation engine we have seen that the screen refresh flicker occurs undesirable. This effect is due to the time required to erase the image and generate a new updated, result of animate objects.

One technique to avoid this is called double buffering or “doublebuffered”

Recursive Fractals: Sierpinski Triangle [JAVA]


We have seen a first program called “DrawWorld” we introduced the JAVA programming oriented graphics. Veamos como modificar este programa elemental para generar un fractal recursivo básico: From Sierpinski triangle. (View as generating a recursive fractal) Es un fractal que se construye de forma recursiva a partir de un triángulo… (leer más)

What is a “Halo”?

Un halo es un efecto óptico causado por partículas de hielo en suspensión en la Troposfera que refractan la luz haciendo un espectro de colores alrededor de la luna o el sol.(W) The same geometry can be represented in many different ways; la mayoría de las veces usaremos la idea de una superficie envolvente del objeto para su… (leer más)

Morphing Control: Picture duration [ with Squirlz Morph ]

One of the aspects that need to be adjusted by morphing is the duration or number of frames needed for two different stages. Initial and final transition between two images exhibition of images. If only two images are used we can add extra time with a functionality of Morph menu: Morph -> Hold Start/End Images… (leer más)

Morphing Control: Analysis of topological distortions [ with Squirlz Morph ]

Hemos visto que se puede distorsionar topológicamente el plano al realizar un morphing. Este efecto de distorsión se materializa visualmente en forma de círculos y ondas que distorsionan la imagen. Veamos con un ejemplo esquematizado este fenómeno que debemos controlar para asegurar una calidad en nuestras transiciones. Supongamos que queremos realizar un morphing entre dos… (leer más)

Morphing Control: Distortions topological [ with Squirlz Morph ]

Determining control points by morphing how to perform the movement of the image for “mutate” between frames. A simple checkpoint radically changes the result of the transition between the images, to determine how they are transformed image planes. In the following video “plays” with… (leer más)

Morphing Phases : Example applied to faces [ with Squirlz Morph ]

The process of “Morphing” between two images is a mix between a molten image processing and geometric surfaces. Control points displacements indicate that the images will suffer. The proper management of these control points results in a higher quality “transition” between images. Here is an… (leer más)

3D Animation, Save windows with views [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

After you create windows with different views, We can save the workspace we have set for later use. Vamos a repasar parte de lo visto anteriormente para configurar un espacio de trabajo Hemos visto en el interface de ventanas que para dividir el espacio de visualización, podemos situar el cursor en la parte… (leer más)