Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Video categories

Life of flowers [ Timelapse ]


“Artbeats Timelapse Flowers” es una bella secuencia realizada con la técnica de “Time-lapse“. Nos muestra una cuidada selección de aperturas de capullos de flores, captured and edited by Vladimir Vorobyov with Premiere Pro 5.1, a la que se ha añadido un animado tema musical: Music: West One Music. album: 067 Simple Strings. Track: Happy-go-lucky Time-lapse:… (leer más)

Android dreams [ Time lapse movie ]


SAMUEL COCKEDEY es un fotógrafo francés y video artista afincado en Tokyo. El éxito de su tu trabajo se basa en una adecuada elección de escenarios y movimientos de cámara, junto a la inestimable ayuda de singulares condiciones atmosféricas.

El trabajo que se puede ver en esta página (Time lapse) ha sido realizado con una cámara Canon 5dmk2 principalmente en el área de Shinjuku, siendo un rendido homenaje a Ridley Scott y Vangelis
Shot roughly over a year in Tokyo with a Canon 5dmk2, mainly in the Shinjuku area.

Chicken Chair [ Blender ][ video ][ Animation ]

chair animation

Chicken Chair're a fun short of 1 minute duration in the year 2004 with the Blender animation software, por Bassam Kurdali, who has worked among others, at Orange Studios, An interesting example of character animation with synthetic image, which humanize an inanimate (Saddle) como personaje… (leer más)

RIBA [Animation]


A video animation made with great sensitivity, in which a cat is the protagonist of a story in which there is an outstanding musical space.

Elephants Dream [Blender] [video]


Elephants Dreams is a short film made entirely with Blender. Elephants Dream is the story of two strange characters while exploring a capricious and seemingly infinite machine. An elderly man, Proog, acts as a guide and protector, disfrutando mientras muestra las imágenes y los peligros de la máquina a su protegido Emo inicialmente curioso, but… (leer más)

Los 12 principles explained on a video animation of Pixar: Knick Knack

knick knack

Las mejoras basadas en los 12 principios clásicos de la animación aportan credibilidad a los personajes y escenas del cine basado en imagen de síntesis. They were developed with the first experiences of Disney animation was. These principles are: Stretching and Shrinking (Squash and stretch) Staging (Staging) Acción Directa y Pose a Pose Acción… (leer más)

Virtual musical machine [Animation]


One of the lines of work by many professional animators is to develop mills capable of generating synchronized movement music. These experiences will eventually develop a whole media space with synthetic image. Some of these works have reached an important stage of development, como se puede ver en… (leer más)

Blur Studio: Gopher Broke [Animation]


From 1995, Blur Studio Enterprise it has especializadoo in the creation of animated visual effects; the application of its creative capacity, through various media, It has led them to receive numerous awards and accolades. They produce character animation in 3D, develop the design of its movement with advanced techniques from animation; producen… (leer más)