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Graphic PIZiadas

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Pulsemap: Plugin visitor statistics in WordPress blogs and websites

pulsemap thumb

Pulsemap is a visual plugin for WordPress that gives us real-time information on the number and origin of visitors to the blog. Pulsemap versions available to install on any web page. En WordPress añade se como en los Widget Menus laterales o del pie del blog. The plugin can be configured with different… (leer más)

What is a “Website HeatMap” ?

A “Heat map” a web page is a graphic representation of information relating to the user interaction made with the same. The map can provide information on different aspects, as mouse movements on the page, the time it is pressed in certain areas, o simplemente el seguimiento que la vista… (leer más)

Forest neurons

Santiago Ramon y Cajal was the first researcher who managed to see under a microscope the cells that form the brain.

We have many pictures taken in their studies of this complex organ called “forest neurons” by the density of the packing.

A computer image that recreates this density of dendrites and axons can give us an idea of ​​the difficulties encountered by researchers to identify the morphology and connectivity of neurons.

Crepuscular Rays


Among the most common atmospheric phenomena are called “Crepuscular Rays”. They occur when the sun's rays are partially occluded by a cloud that acts as a mask, y se difuminan en la atmósfera iluminando partículas de polvo en suspensión. Podemos observarlos en cualquier latitud, produciéndose especialmente en horas próximas a los crepúsculos y… (leer más)

Broken [Oil]

A sequence of performing an oil painting, where we see the three main steps of its realization, with a particular technique:


Happy Mother's Day


The Mother's Day or Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated in honor of mothers. It is celebrated at different times of the year depending on the country: in Spain, nowadays, held the first Sunday of the month of may. The modern mother's day was created by Julia Ward Howe, in 1870, originalmente… (leer más)

Spring foliage and explosion [Imagen]

Spring offers us images that could saturate our visual memory. The senses are stimulated by the wealth of shapes and colors that nature gives us. It is a time of unrest, wherein the growth hormones that guide dominate us. Las plantas y árboles colonizan nuestro espacio visual que se ve limitado en… (leer más)

@divoblogger en el firmamento ? [Imagen]


Hoy, mirando al firmamento, me ha parecido ver a @Divoblogger entre las estrellas. ¿Qué hace un blogero en nuestro cielo? ¿Ha encontrado su sitio lejos de los mortales? He tomado una instantánea con Blender y FotoMorph que os dejo como prueba. ¿Será una señal de algún acontecimiento venidero? @Divoblogger ¿Qué crees que pueda ser?