Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Modeling

Andy and Dyna on the fifth anniversary of Android [ School ]


We celebrated the fifth anniversary of Android with a series of commemorative works in our computer animation classes.

While we have modeled to Andy we have tried to design a partner to keep the unity of style character and complements.

Aniversario Android (I) [ School ][ Blender ]

Aniversario Android

The fifth anniversary of Android has inspired us to model a character, Andy, con Blender. For this reason they have developed different versions as it may have been inventing their partner, by Novia, or create a commemorative picture of the event.

Pumpkins of my students (X) [ Blender ]


By putting the title of this series of papers to create a pumpkin had a dual purpose. On the one hand, logically, the title should communicate the contents of the page but, also, wanted to send a message to my students and use it as joke in class.

“When that does not work send me Pumpkin …. I put it”.

Put a pumpkin on education has always been understood as putting a “zero”, suspense.
So, after

Android girl [ School ][ Blender ]


A new version of the pair of Andy, in this case the feminine version that refers Rubén García Jail.

Draws particular attention to the evolution of the Android Robot antennas, in this case become female hair.

To complete the transformation, from the viewpoint expressive, adds prominent lips and cheeks with rouge.

The body also has formed at the bottom, el acampanando the extreme mode falda.

Pumpkins of my students (IX) [ Blender ]


Some jobs are arriving late mail, like this pumpkin Dungeon Ruben Garcia. In any case, we add to the collection of works as each provides unique features that we can always discuss in our classes.

The lighting of the scenes of some of pumpkins gives us clues about birth control they gain, hint allowing the lines defining the outline of the figure, As seen in this work.

Another aspect are the different approaches to camera, looking stronger planes from the point of view expressive.

Andy (Android) y su novia (IV) [ School ][ Blender ]

Chica Android

Una pareja de la NUEVA interpretación of Andy, mascota of Android, which refers in this case Robert Merchan Nicholas, dentro de los trabajos of curso.

Al igual que en el YPFSF of “Andy y sus amigos” empiezan to aparecer escenarios complementan la imagen que un mensaje y permiten if completo, COMO que esta la playa en vemos to Andy y su novia.

Desde el Punto in vista del nuevo del modelado personaje destaca, junto al color, variación en una importante que los volúmenes definen mientras se su cuerpo y Cabeza mantienen ectremidades. Cabe mencionarse también la variación (Inclusion) de la Boca.

Andy y sus amigos (Android) [ School ][ Blender ]


Among the various free performances on the exercise of creating a couple of characters based on Andy, Current Android mascot, Hemos seen with creative ideas “new” friends and in this we find in this case “aged”

Jorge Gregorio Zaplana send us their work on the theme of this week, Android and Anniversary 5 years old.

Pumpkins of my students (VIII) [ Blender ]


The work of creating a Halloween pumpkin served to start modeling in Blender. Later works detailing the relief to a greater extent students have higher performance in the Edition.

Some people with more experience in the area, as David Sanchez Velasco have released to liven up his work with scenario.

Here the experience is clearly a degree and had a flat environments with depth and other decorative elements that enrich the set.

Modeling Andy (Android) con Blender


One of the first modeling exercises in our course of Blender has been the mascot “Andy” de Android, because it can serve, a very basic level, to work gestural aspects (positions).

This year, performed in class, has been used to propose new work students: perform a couple of character. The results, varied, friendly and a lot of creativity can be seen in “Student work”

Andy and Drod (Android) [ School ][ Blender ]


In proposing to my students, como trabajo de la última clase de Blender, la realización de la pareja de Andy (mascota of Android) the trend has been the realization of a female figure or, even, la expresión del simbolismo de una relación de amor.

Sin embargo, in another case, the concept of partnership has been expressed in the sense of friendship or playmate, como en el trabajo de Adrián Echevarría, que se ha inventado a ‘Drod’, Andi friend and companion in adventure.

Pumpkins of my students (VII) [ Blender ]


We continue to receive pictures of halloween pumpkins, como la de Ángel Luis Sanz Vilaverde, con una mezcla de sonrisa en la expresión sin ser de calabaza de humor.

The strong relief in modeling how, and the separation of the geometry on top.