Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Wallpapers

Reflections of two cubes [ Wallpaper ]

Mirrored cube

Two concentric cubes with high reflectivity can form an image of great interest.
The scene was rendered with editing software, Blender modeling and animation 2.5 reflection indices value 20 for each cube and four point lighting, a white light, and one for each of the basic components of the RGB format.

Sailboat [Imagen]


A relaxing image of a sailboat with a horizon in the background, in blue tones, Transmitting peace and tranquility. The word usually refers to a sailboat sailboat, namely, que avanza mediante la acción del viento sobre las velas.(W) The image is in wallpaper format for use as desktop background… (leer más)

Red Azalea [Imagen]

red azalea flower

A new image, in this case an Azalea Flower. One of the main differences between azaleas and the rest of the rhododendron family is their size and growth of the flower. Rhododendrons flowers develop in clusters, while most azaleas have terminal blooms (a… (leer más)


In the collective painting exhibition held in Madrid I saw a drawing made with cake, qualified “Hats (Interpretation C. Brave)” and performed by Inés Torres; a picture of great beauty that you can see in the exhibition catalog .

Crepuscular Rays


Among the most common atmospheric phenomena are called “Crepuscular Rays”. They occur when the sun's rays are partially occluded by a cloud that acts as a mask, y se difuminan en la atmósfera iluminando partículas de polvo en suspensión. Podemos observarlos en cualquier latitud, produciéndose especialmente en horas próximas a los crepúsculos y… (leer más)

Geometry in Nature: Regular pentagon [Oleander]


The pentagons are five-sided polygonal shapes. In case be regular, the length of these is the same for all of them. The pentagon has five vertices, and in the case of regular we differentiate between “convex” y los estrellados. Un pentágono regular es aquél que tiene todos sus lados iguales y… (leer más)