Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Videos

Engineering, brain architecture and neuroscience XXI century

Javier defelipe

Este año, in the act of opening the course 2011/2012, We have had the presence of Javier DeFelipe, Cortical Circuits Laboratory (CTB), we gave an interesting lecture on the status of the project “Cajal Blue Brain” entitled:

“Engineering, brain architecture and neuroscience XXI century”.

Chicken Chair [ Blender ][ video ][ Animation ]

chair animation

Chicken Chair're a fun short of 1 minute duration in the year 2004 with the Blender animation software, por Bassam Kurdali, who has worked among others, at Orange Studios, An interesting example of character animation with synthetic image, which humanize an inanimate (Saddle) como personaje… (leer más)

Visual Effects: Pedro Lara VFX Artist


The visual effects that we see in the movies (Visual effects o VFX) constitute a set of processes by which images are created or manipulated after shooting. Visual effects (commonly shortened to Visual F/X or VFX) are the various processes by which imagery is created and/or manipulated outside the context of a live… (leer más)

RIBA [Animation]


A video animation made with great sensitivity, in which a cat is the protagonist of a story in which there is an outstanding musical space.

Elephants Dream [Blender] [video]


Elephants Dreams is a short film made entirely with Blender. Elephants Dream is the story of two strange characters while exploring a capricious and seemingly infinite machine. An elderly man, Proog, acts as a guide and protector, disfrutando mientras muestra las imágenes y los peligros de la máquina a su protegido Emo inicialmente curioso, but… (leer más)

Sand animation : Kseniya Simonova


The animation with sand or “art with sand” is a technique to create images on a backlit translucent surface, which is covered with sand. The artist moves the sand, using fingers as brushes, so that light passes through the surface and comprises the images.