Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Kalimba de Mr. Scruff [Blender]

A first assembly with a song in which the first rendered images of a new character that we will be presenting the possibilities of animation software are presented “Blender“. La secuencia editada ha sido especialmente trabajada los dos primeros minutos que más adelante serán reeditados para insertar las escenas que en este momento… (leer más)

Rules of the Air

As always, las cosas más curiosas me las remite mi compañero y amigo Santiago Poveda. Debe recibir cientos de correos, pero afortunadamente me “filtra” los más interesantes. En este caso este conjunto de reglas del manual del piloto jeje. Para mis estudiantes de Aeronáuticos y al que le guste la filosofía. Copy and Paste del… (leer más)

MovieMaker and duration of a still image.

Con MovieMaker se puede realizar una secuencia que nos presente de forma automática nuestras fotos (in the form of video al we can add music to comments).

By default, the duration of each image is 5 seconds, but you can change this interval to speed them up or slow presentation cadence. This is especially useful when we want to make a video from images chained, namely, a sequence taken as a “burst” photos or computer-generated.

Earthquakes on Earth: Earthquake activity in Jan-Apr 2010 [Video animation]

Seismic activity on the planet between the 1 January and 9 April 2010 Source of images: Animated files are available that cover longer time periods. Far Relacionados Terremotos (page with the latest developments) Terremotos : Variation of seismic activity: 20 years 15 segundos Terremoto en… (leer más)

Pixels Vs Voxels

The mixture of real image and image synthesis is usually performed in camouflaging the latter finding a deception of the senses. The integration is to make real what does not exist or is too complex to obtain.
Another way to use the image synthesis is enhance it by giving his own role; Using vivid colors and strong reflection that accentuates the plastic aspect of the production of synthesis we artworks as accompanying this article.

Chroma key in MovieMaker: Image Overlay

It inserting the chroma chroma (del ingles Chrome key) audiovisual technique is widely used in film and television and photography, which involves the replacement of a fund for another by computer. This is done because it is too costly and unworkable cutout characters to complete background or frame… (leer más)

The audio track in MovieMaker


Una herramienta muy sencilla de edición de vídeo no lineal es la que nos proporciona Microsoft en sus sistemas operativos: Windows Movie Maker. This software lets you edit videos and visually add an audio track.

Editing is done by chaining short sequences to which they can incorporate a number of basic effects and transitions. There is a professional tool and therefore it is very limited in functionality although often to our purpose.

Perlin Noise: Pseudorandom functions for terrain generation

The creation of virtual environments requires the modeling of large amounts of training data for different scenarios recreate surfaces. The fractal nature of our world allows the use of various mathematical functions for the automation of these tasks. Trees, land, clouds, fire etc.. are built with different techniques many of them based… (leer más)

The Known Universe by AMNH

My partner always forwards Santiago Poveda works great interest. I leave the text of your mail and the embeded video. I would see it in full screen! Just a few weeks, el Museo Americano de Historia Natural colgó en la red este espectacular vídeo, una reconstrucción informática que muestra un “viaje” desde la superficie… (leer más)

Sleep Away de Bob Acri. Sphere and Plane with Raytracing [ Blender ]

Bob acri

A relaxing musical composition is the basis to support a minimalist dance between a sphere and a plane.

A very simple yet progressive rendering in all its complexity, in which the “Raytracing” He brings his peculiar brilliance to the scene that is synchronized with the music.

A didactic example of the possibilities of animation software “Blender” in a small fragment that can be built in a weekend.