Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Metric geometry : Problema fundamental de tangencias : PPc [II]

problema fundamental de tangencias PPc

The so-called fundamental problem of tangents may occur with respect tangency conditions of a circle, instead of a straight.

Conceptually we can assume that the above is a particular case of this, if we consider the straight as a circle of infinite radius.

In both cases therefore apply similar reasoning for resolution, based on the concepts learned power.

Metric geometry : Problema fundamental de tangencias : PPr

Problema fundamental de tangencias. Tangent to circle line through two points

Classically tangencies problems have been studied looking geometric constructions of each case study.

The concepts of power of a point on a circle can address the problems with a unifying approach, so that any tangency or incidences statement generally be reduced to a more generic fundamental problem tangents denominate (PFT).

Metric geometry : Theorems height and leg

Theorems cathetus Height 150

Along with the concepts of power, Geometry triangle solves proportional means obtaining by known theorems height and Hick.

Before stating these theorems and deduce, recall some basic concepts of proportionality to understand what it is that we can solve with constructs derived from these geometric models.

Alexander Tsiaras: from conception to birth… all to see [ TED ]


On the day of the mother can not miss a video of the creation of life. Led by Alexander Tsiaras, participate in the development of MRI technique, We can see a digital image processing of great beauty and educational value that shows the process of creating a living.
A wonderful video taken from the always interesting TED talks

Metric geometry : Generalization of the concept of “Power”

generalization power concept

El concepto de potencia de un punto respecto de una circunferencia se basa en el producto de la mayor por la menor de las distancias de un punto a una circunferencia.
These distance values ​​are given in the string that contains the center of the circle and the point, namely, in diameter containing said point.
Is it possible to generalize this concept to consider other strings passing through the point P?

Happy Mother's Day II [ Wallpaper ]


An image commemorating a special day that is repeated year after year to celebrate mothers.

An image of synthesis with floral textures in a tunnel that represents the evolution of the times.

As in other chaos, image can be seen in wallpaper format 1280×1024 pulsando con el ratón.

Visualization of proteins with Blender [ Wallpaper hemoglobin ]


La última compilación del software de modelado y animación Blender incorpora entre sus mejoras un lector (parser) files in PDB format.

This format is used to exchange data scientist atomic structures, in particular to the description of proteins.

Cycles : The new renderer in Blender : Introduction


Cycles is a new Render Engine for Blender, developed by Brecht van Lommel working for the Blender Foundation.

It is integrated into the user interface from version 2.5, although initially was developped as a “Addon” (added plugin).

The goal of Cycles is to replace the internal rendering engine in the next Blender 2 years old, allowing real time feedback to the designer through the use of the GPU hardware calculation as, instead of the traditional CPU. Veremos cómo seleccionar cycles como motor blender

Metric geometry : Radical axis of two circles

The loci used to determine the solution of problems with geometric constraints. Among the conditions used are the angular nature and among them the orthogonality.
Given two circles, simply infinite set of circles that intersect orthogonally are grouped in a set called beam circumferences corradicales; These circles are centered on a line called the radical axis.