Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías visualización

Europe 24 : Viewing 24 European air traffic hours

You know how many aircraft ply European airspace on any given day of summer?
What are the main points of departure and arrival of these 30.000 aircraft?
The importance of communication and trade between countries can be glimpsed in this fascinating simulation created from actual radar data, in which the movements of the aircraft are displayed accelerated 1440 times.

Night Flight [ Timelapse ]

Visualization techniques known as accelerated image “Timelapse” give us a different view of natural phenomena, well as those that are analyzed over a period.

The behavior of an airport, illuminated at night, is a show if you look this particular prism.

The cadence of landing and takeoff of aircraft is enhanced imaging techniques that make this video a masterpiece of the genre, especially for aviation enthusiasts.

“Night Ballet” EAA AirVenture night air show [ Timelapse ]


AirVenture is a community of aviation enthusiasts every year organizes a major aviation events in the world, which gather 500.000 people over 60 countries. The air show held at night is one of the most spectacular of its kind. Filmado el… (leer más)

33 Military Aircraft Drawings

Via email James sent me these beautiful drawings of military aircraft, whose author not know, I share with you.


AirTraffic Worldwide y FlightRadar

FlightRadar application enables real-time monitoring of air traffic worldwide. Provides relevant information in a graphical and alphanumeric. A map can be scaled over that shown by the geographic information, the position of the aircraft in real time. Se pueden conocer datos de cada vuelo… (leer más)