Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Wallpapers

Postal de navidad (X) [ School ] [ Blender ][ Trabajos ]

Este es el trabajo de navidad del alumno Andrés Pérez Castrillo. This work has been to make a Christmas card made with Blender, Pudi to be used as wallpaper in these Navid. This work will assess the development of their learning in the first two months of computer animation course. Postal… (leer más)

Postal de navidad (I) [ School ] [ Blender ][ Trabajos ]

This is the work of student Max Schwenzer Christmas. This work has been to make a Christmas card made with Blender, Pudi to be used as wallpaper in these Navid.

This work will assess the development of their learning in the first two months of computer animation course.

Channels of an image synthesis


We have often spoken of “Transparency channel” de una imagen, which describes the points or “pixels” of said image which do not have an associated color and thus are “transparent”.

A Blender, transparency canal, can get other channels, appropriately combined, defining the final image.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2012 (XXV) : Snowflake (II) [ Imagen 1280×1024 y HD 1920 x 1080 ]


With the latest wallpaper “snowflake” commented he could not miss us to conduct a snowflake in Blender for a Christmas wallpaper as in years past, with the "Snowflake 2011", "Snow flake" or the creation of a material for a realistic snowflake.

Since no two without three, try to add a new one before the end of the series of Christmas wallpapers, adding the effects that have been applied in all.

Index of refraction

Index of refraction

By introducing transparent materials have been different parameters that characterize. In “Cycles” have named a shader “Glass” to simulate the behavior of translucent objects where the light changes direction through them.

Has an associated transparency parameter that redirection of light rays passing through the material, is the coefficient of refraction; the software performs calculations to simulate these effects are based on the "Law of Snell".