Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Pelo

Ya está disponible la nueva versión de Blender ( 2.66 )

As every few months, a new version of the most important free modeling and animation software has come to light. Blender 2.66 is available for download on different operating systems on the official pages of the application:

The novelties are many important.

First were fixed over 250 errors (bugs) the previous version.

Caminandes [Video][Animation][ Blender ]

Caminandes is a small animated short made by Pablo Vazquez, Beorn Leonard, Francesco Siddi y in January Morgenstern.

Comically tells of the adventures of a flame to cross a road in southern Patagonia.

With Caminandes the authors have tried to prove the feasibility of creating a complete animated short story, in his spare time.

Pumpkins of my students (XIII) Challenge to the perception

In proposing the creation of a work halloween pumpkin my students never thought that he could get much juice to exercise.

Besides the interesting variety of models created to recreate the classic face, I found a perceptive curiosity led me to a detailed analysis of some aspects of the Gestalt Laws in class.

Pumpkins of my students (XII) [ Blender ]

Reviewing the work of my students are algunosque not been published since for some reason had not fulfilled the initial objectives. In reviewing the series pumpkins “halloween pumpkins”, within the course of computer graphics and animation we are doing, I found this curiosity that has been mixed with the work of creating a fund to give reasons for the Christmas scene..

Saturn V [ School ][ Blender ]

This course students have been especially motivated Blender. It has been noticed in the environment and the interest shown in their work.

Today I want to share one of the best jobs, performed by a single student after 7 classes with Blender animation.

Schwenzer Max is a German student exchange between universities that I was struck by their dedication and ability to work. Its production is a sample of almost all of the concepts that have been developed in this short course and their personal ability to assimilate.

Modifiers in Modeling: Helicoide [ Blender ]

Helicoide axial recto

A helix is ​​a surface generated by moving a straight line with two movements:

A rotation around an axis or core,.
A translation in the direction of the axis.
This generation model is applicable to the construction or manufacture of many technical elements, como las escaleras helicoidales, the drill bits, arid drag elements etc..

En Blender se puede generar un helicoide mediante el uso de “Hooks”, extrusions and modifier “Array” we have seen in modeling.

Encourage ambient lighting in Cycles [ Blender ]

An effect that can be interesting is to illuminate the sky changing shape to simulate a sunrise or a sunset on “time-lapse”.

Lighting variables, as well as other variables in Blender, son susceptibles de ser animadas mediante la técnica de Key frames.

Postal de navidad (XIV) [ School ] [ Blender ][ Trabajos ]

This is the work of student Nikolay Dragoev Christmas. This work has been to make a Christmas card made with Blender, Pudi to be used as wallpaper in these Navid. This work will assess the development of their learning in the first two months of computer animation course.   Students course work 2012-2013