Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Teclado

Blender 2.66a Keyboard Shortcuts

Los usuarios más avanzados del software de modelado y animación Blender lo manejan con una mano en el ratón y la otra sobre el teclado.

Una interesante página, de Waldo Bronchart, nos permite encontrar fácilmente el mapa de funciones sobre el teclado en cada uno de los modos de trabajo/edición de Blender.

Change the language in Blender

One of the options that can be configured in Blender is the language in which menus and aid or “Tips” you see when you mouse over the different menus of the program.
Personally I like to keep the default settings in English, as, sometimes, translations are literally but not adequately reflect the function of the command in question.

Assassin’s Craft III : Machinima – Minecraft

A new video of Minecraft style Machinina made with Blender rendering engine. A mixture of styles and explosive techniques have resulted in this interesting work.

Movements plasticity collide with the rigid model, in which levels of expression were achieved elusive.

Definitely a great job that continues to develop until very high levels of aesthetic feeling “Minecraft”

Cyprus and the Euro [ Imagen ]

A new image, made with Blender, which associates economic problems of the eurozone countries like Cyprus, in the dark background of the global economy.

A news, Cypriot playard, that does nothing to call ghosts we all have, debate rescuing the euro's survival.
The legal uncertainty of these events in contrast to our criticisms of the nationalization of enterprises in third countries. Payment of the economic excesses imposed on the population in a dark suit political and social interests.

Today is Cyprus, a small country … Tomorrow?

Iberia fracture [ Wallpaper ]

The company Iberia (IB) is one of the oldest in the world. Currently in the news for their strikes as a result of technical and economic difficulties suffered, that have led to various workforce adjustments, fleet and service lines.

One company that we have known all life and the logo shown in the national colors of a country, fractures and struggle to survive in an ever expanding market, globalized and competitive environment in which low cost companies impose their business models.

White smoke [ Animated GIF ]

We're waiting. Again the process of electing a new pope captures the attention of Christians and non-Christians.

Everything is ready for that moment of joy in a simple smoky chimney announces the agreement of the heads that have this mission: Choosing the spiritual leader of more than 2000 million faithful.

While, until we have the “fumata blanca”, see an animated gif created with Blender remember that we lived this moment Hemos.

Outliner : Datablocks : Changing the display [ Blender ]

Al profundizar en Blender podemos cambiar numerosos parámetros que añaden una nueva dimensión al software al ampliar de forma sustancial sus posibilidades.

Uno de los menús que nos permiten realizar estos cambios lo encontramos en una de las secciones del “Outliner”, que hemos utilizado para visualizar y seleccionar el grafo de escena que contiene los elementos que la forman.

El Salto, Felix Wormgartner [ School ][ Blender ]

The work of Blender course this year are breaking all records of … ¿High?

We have seen the flight of the Saturn V and now …

Hoy quiero share todos con otro de los mejores trabajos, realizado by a team of four trans alumnos 7 classes of animation with Blender and two or three otras rendering imágenes.

ShowReel 2012 – Alexandre Kournwsky

Alexandre Kournwsky shows part of the work of animation, largely made with Blender, in this brief summary given in the 2012.

A work with architectural influences, the comic and Eastern culture.

An author who has caught my attention for the variety of its ideation.