Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Wallpaper

Neurons [ Imagen ] [ Wallpaper ]


Un nuevo wallpaper en la categoría de neurociencia, inspirado en el concepto de bosque de neuronas.

La imagen ha sido realizada con Blender a partir de un único modelo de neurona que ha sido repetido y que se refleja sobre una esfera que envuelve la escena.

Brain III : Brain – toon [ Imagen ][ Wallpaper ]


A new rendering of the 3D model of the brain made with Blender animation software.
En este caso se han definido superficies transparentes y se ha utilizado un shader (render) clásico de los dibujos animados (Toon) que utiliza una rampa de colores para diferenciar claramente las zonas con sombra de las zonas claras o con brillo.

Brain II [ Wallpaper ] [ Imagen ]


To study the brain are often used images that allow you to see its outer surface (cortex) or distinct parts which are inside (agmídala, brain…)
Sagittal sections normally used to represent the inside while, Thanks to modern techniques of representation, can simulate cortex transparent walls which allow observation of the elements normally hidden. The picture is a representation of the cortex with the technique of creating “halo” Blender itself, as an alternative models estos.

Brain [ Wallpaper ] [ Imagen ]


A synthetic image of the most important organ of the human body, wallpaper format 1280 x 1024, made with Blender from a network pattern found in 3DStudio Max format. Different textures have been applied to different regions of the cerebral cortex. To get the image resolution suitable to press with the… (leer más)

Engineering, brain architecture and neuroscience XXI century

Javier defelipe

Este año, in the act of opening the course 2011/2012, We have had the presence of Javier DeFelipe, Cortical Circuits Laboratory (CTB), we gave an interesting lecture on the status of the project “Cajal Blue Brain” entitled:

“Engineering, brain architecture and neuroscience XXI century”.

Forest neurons

Santiago Ramon y Cajal was the first researcher who managed to see under a microscope the cells that form the brain.

We have many pictures taken in their studies of this complex organ called “forest neurons” by the density of the packing.

A computer image that recreates this density of dendrites and axons can give us an idea of ​​the difficulties encountered by researchers to identify the morphology and connectivity of neurons.

Cajal Blue Brain: Brain molecular simulation

The Blue Brain Project aims molecular level simulation of the mammalian brain. In this first article outlines the main ideas and actors involved in the project. This initiative, supported by Big Blue (IBM) It focuses on Spain in the so-called Cajal Blue Brain (in honor of our… (leer más)