Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de mayo 2011

Chinese Character Animation


The pictograms and ideograms to define a simple drawing with a complete concept or word. Asian cultures use in their ancient languages. Some time ago I started in their study through a book that I have recommended: “Manual writing of Chinese characters“. Hoy os presento un interesante vídeo que recrea mediante pequeñas… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [33] [Normalization] [Education]

In this new year of technical drawing back to work items whose planes are essentially parallel to the projection, which simplifies the choice of the main views. Sin embargo, add oblique shapes, inclined planes, and a perspective which slightly complicates the interpretation of the object, primarily internal areas. Download 3D PDF File… (leer más)

Geometry in Nature [School]


Daily observe geometric shapes that are used in our technical designs as well as the “Naturaleza”. My students proposed an entry on their blog, I reproduce below, that can serve as inspiration for many others in which the geometry is part of the forms. Este post abre una nueva página del blog en la… (leer más)

Circuit [Animation]


Circuit is a small animated short with synthetic image in which two characters cyber (robots) have a fun showdown. The video is a good example of so-called “Particle Systems” and the application of techniques “multifísica” for automatic generation of moving objects. With these systems, objects… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [32] [Normalization] [Education]


A new exercise in technical drawing with a piece composed by a cylindrical support elements, where again we find a nerve that provides structural rigidity. Notably, the two diameters is the cylindrical housing, which serves as “top” to prevent the element that we introduce in the, is… (leer más)

El Tangram [School]

Among the experiences of using educational blogs we do with our students, I was struck by the number of items that have been included in those aspects “recreational” have been developed with great frequency elements.

The geometry is present in all of them and is a motivating way to approach your knowledge. In this case the group “Able Arc” presents a classic puzzle consisting of elementary steps.

Abstract Oak: Sequence [Oil]

Some days ago, a partner who works Trompe (see Stein and pears) I wondered while having a coffee: How do you think when you paint one of your paintings (Abstract)? That question led me to a deep reflection and, accordingly, did this little article that guides one of the works I've done. Not all… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [31] [Normalization] [Education]


In this new piece of technical drawing we see a support with two holes has a cylindrical housing in its upper part. Serves a reinforcing rib structure, so it must be treated in accordance with the relevant rules of standard representation. Descargar Fichero PDF 3D ¿Cúantas vistas necesitaremos para definir… (leer más)

Flotilla (detail) (Papiroflexia)

Fleet is a micro-origami video (2 or 3 cm long) that it opens slowly over the surface of the water by capillarity. Capillarity is a property of fluids that depends on its surface tension (which in turn, It depends on the cohesion or intermolecular force in liquid), that gives it the ability to upload or… (leer más)

Fly [Animation]

A new installment of animations made with synthetic image used to illustrate the techniques required in these productions. The interest here lies in the possibility of group work that can be retrofitted to build a short; una interesante idea para proponer como trabajo de fin de curso en… (leer más)