Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de septiembre 2011

Pieces of Drafting [42] [Normalization] [Education]


In this new exercise that allows us to practice the standard representation of a mechanical part in 3D, do not have a main plane of symmetry that allows us to simplify their dihedral views. Could you determine your standard view?

Elephants Dream [Blender] [video]


Elephants Dreams is a short film made entirely with Blender. Elephants Dream is the story of two strange characters while exploring a capricious and seemingly infinite machine. An elderly man, Proog, acts as a guide and protector, disfrutando mientras muestra las imágenes y los peligros de la máquina a su protegido Emo inicialmente curioso, but… (leer más)

Graphical Programming: Start a Eclipse project [JAVA]

We have seen a first graphical application in Java (DrawWorld) to view an applet basic taxonomy, and we have installed a development environment based on Eclipse, que es el mismo necesario para instalar el SDK de Android, unless it is necessary for the set of libraries momendo Android.

También disponemos de un mínimo código para dibujar fractales recursivos: (Sierpinski Triangle) but we have not yet addressed in these pages how to start the project in Eclipse.

In this article I will gather all the pieces to run our first program in JAVA; later, will use this language as a basis for programming in Android devices.

Sand animation : Kseniya Simonova


The animation with sand or “art with sand” is a technique to create images on a backlit translucent surface, which is covered with sand. The artist moves the sand, using fingers as brushes, so that light passes through the surface and comprises the images.

Pieces of Drafting [41] [Normalization] [Education]

pieza dibujo técnico 41

In this new exercise that allows us to practice the standard representation of a mechanical part in 3D, have a main plane of symmetry will simplify their dihedral views. Media section with half view allow to define both the exterior and interior of the geometry. Gloom in a false view serve to see how… (leer más)

Red Azalea [Imagen]

red azalea flower

A new image, in this case an Azalea Flower. One of the main differences between azaleas and the rest of the rhododendron family is their size and growth of the flower. Rhododendrons flowers develop in clusters, while most azaleas have terminal blooms (a… (leer más)