Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de febrero 2016

Basic materials in Blender

For an image synthesis must add objects, lights and cameras to the scene. The representation of these objects depend on the scene illumination, the camera parameters and the visual properties of these objects that basically know as your “color” or “material”. We can say that the appearance of an object… (leer más)

The robustness of dynamic geometric constructions with Geogebra: Polar of a point of a circle

The study of the disciplines of classical geometry can be reinforced by using tools that allow constructions that can be changed dynamically: variational constructions.
The tool “Geogebra” It will serve to illustrate these concepts and demonstrate the importance of detailed knowledge of geometric relationships to ensure the robustness of the buildings we use in geometric reasoning, as, sometimes, some constructions may lose their validity.

Fall line

By studying the true magnitude of a line we saw that we could turn calculate the angle of this line with respect to a projection plane, namely, its slope.

In a plane we can determine endless lines with different direction contained therein. One of these lines form the maximum angular condition with respect to the projection plane.

Projective axis of two series [Interactive] [Geogebra]

Projective geometry constructions made with tools to analyze their invariants are very useful for the study of this discipline of Graphic Expression. We will see one of these constructions made with the software “GeoGebra”, in particular for determining the projective axis of two projective series.

A curious piece of technical drawing [Solución]

A representation of a simple object can not be easily solved in all cases. Some of these exercises are useful in an early stage of formation of our students, as they show the difficulty of unequivocally represent objects whose spatial restitution is accurate.

I set out to solve a problem with a curious piece of technical drawing that was determined by two of its projections.

Caminandes 3: Llamigos

The Serie “Caminandes” made with animation suite “Blender” It presents its third episode entitled “Llamigos”.

Hand of its director Pablo Vazquez, Koro flame in Patagonia faces a new adventure, as usual, eat something tasty.

Conical : Ellipse as locus

The study of conic can be made from different geometric approaches. One of the most used is the analysis that determined from planar sections in a cone of revolution.

From this definition it is possible to infer metric properties of these curves, plus new definitions of the same.