Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Art categories

The glass sculptures by Pedro Garcia (Peter Glass)


Pedro Garcia (Peter Glass) is a sculptor who uses glass as a basis for their work, playing with light and color of this delicate and fragile materials.

His sculptures reveal its essence from a unique artistic conception of the universe that surrounds. Your sensitivity to the ways lets boundless ideation that is reflected in its extensive work.

ROSA [ Animation ]

ROSA is a short animation of Jesus Orellana deestética “Underground” some comics reminiscent of the 80's.

Use the aesthetics “Matrix” little contrast in environments that create a dense atmosphere, almost dark, to develop an argument in which a cyborg must fight to survive.

An interesting audiovisual proposal may soon become a super-production of cinema.

History of Graffiti [ School ]

Maze angle

The group “El Laberinto dl Corner” left us an interesting article on the origins of urban art: el graffiti.

A very visual article highlights the need for expression of human, in a society increasingly impersonal.

A form of artistic differentiation provides new ways of representing ideas.

Zaha Hadid y el deconstructivism


Zaha Hadid is an architect, contemporary designer and developer who designs innovative shapes evoking fantasy worlds brimming future.

In the website of Zaha Hadid can see an impressive display of his ideation, that moves at the limits of deconstruction. Sinuous curves that convey a different organic feeling in these disciplines.

Night Flight [ Timelapse ]

Visualization techniques known as accelerated image “Timelapse” give us a different view of natural phenomena, well as those that are analyzed over a period.

The behavior of an airport, illuminated at night, is a show if you look this particular prism.

The cadence of landing and takeoff of aircraft is enhanced imaging techniques that make this video a masterpiece of the genre, especially for aviation enthusiasts.

Gopher broke [ Animation ]


A short mood (Jeff Fowler) it was nominated in the 2005 for an Oscar for best animated short.

Produced by Blur Studio, shows us the adventures of its protagonist to get some food.

A plan unfortunately frustrated by other secondary actors, which however did not discourage our character.

Invention of Love (2010) [ Animation ]

“Invention of Love” short animation is a very personal aesthetic. Images are constructed from silhouettes in different planes that provide depth to the scenes.

A story of love in a world of gears serves singular theme of this work, written and directed by Andrey Shushkov and original music and sound Sizova Polina, Anton Melnikov.

Hugo Boss McLaren 3D Projection Mapping

El arte del projection mapping, o proyección de imágenes animadas sobre objetos, encuentra cada vez más espacios públicos en los que puede desarrollarse como medio de comunicación artística o, como en este caso, publicitaria.

Un canal audiovisual que permite promocionar marcas o eventos mediante un lenguaje propio de gran espectacularidad. En este caso la unión del mundo de la moda y el automovilismo financian esta interesante proyección en el centro de Milan.

Sony Realtime Projection Mapping “Great films fill room”

filled room

The immersive virtual reality systems are in a stage of development which ensures a promising future in the world of entertainment, Training and Simulation.

The use of multimedia devices and positioning technologies integration, interaction and projection are leading to interesting demonstrations of the power of these technologies.

In memoriam : Jean Giraud : Moebius


A mosaic with some of the most iconic images of the great comic artist Jean Giraud, Moebius, died at the 73 age. A master draftsman who illustrated our dreams with his fictional characters set in worlds past and future. Adios Mr. “Provides”, we have your work and your memory, your… (leer más)

Origen de la projective geometry: Renaissance [ School ]

One of the parts of the geometry that is more prevalent in the corresponding representation is descriptive geometry. Among the works that have made my students, some have focused on the origins of the different geometries, like the one I present today which relate historical aspects and characters that have contributed significantly to this field of science of great application to ingeniarías and Art.