Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Blog


With affection for Uruguayita, Uru, as a token of my admiration for his integrity, both strength and fragility. A picture I want to dedicate exclusively, for your enjoyment and my own (mientras la realizaba acordándome de ella), soñando que vuela hacia su tierra a compartir con sus seres queridos. Una imagen llena de simbolismo que… (leer más)

Morphing : @ Trianarts [ Sqirlz Morph ]

Después de ver la serie de avatares que ha usado @Trianarts durante las últimas semanas, partiendo de las más antiguas hasta llegar a las actuales, I thought it was a nice chaining “morphing”. Ideally, all had the same background, color and viewing angle, e incluso que algunos aspectos como el peinado… (leer más) my new home

My new home: I've finally finished the migration long wanted. This is like moving, boxes are placed, There unassembled bookcases, missing lamps… but the bulk of the matter is settled. Cuando voy a cumplir mi primer año en el mundo de los blogs (quedan 20 days) por fin tengo un espacio… (leer más)

Proyecto “Neurona”

This post aims to show publicly a development project I am carrying out the social network Twitter. Its purpose is to inform the community that I relate to an activity of scientific interest in which people are participating indirectly you share my space (TL).

New separators for blogs : MELOCIUS

Everyone who writes a blog like promotion in order to gain readers. Melocius is a new initiative that combines a directory of publications with the concept of “social networks”; is an innovative content distribution platform with a scoring system for display prominently in their pages. Bienvenidos… (leer más)

New separators for blogs : CLIPP

@clipp_es Hoy os presento un nuevo segregador en fase “Beta” which is becoming more mature. Goefry An initiative that is growing and evolving to incorporate new features. Una de las características principales de la herramienta es la segregación automática en Twitter de los post; el sistema está automatizado y no es necesaria… (leer más)

For Uru : Tribute

Many know to Uru and his blog “Uruguayita South and cafes”, possibly before I started in this world so direct communication, close and personal. Surely know much more and therefore what I say, I feel, so you will have sense and. Uru is an exceptional, next in the… (leer más)