Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Blog

Morphing : @ Lavozdeunagata [ Sqirlz Morph ]

A morphing with a new avatar of Twitter. Pau (lavozdeunagata) with a kitten of the family I met last summer. Pau's blog is full of images of funny cats purring nonstop, colorfully and a nice realization. @lavozdeunagata Soy el reflejo de mis deseos, intense and passionate, woman day,… (leer más)

Calendar 2011 Via @ oscarcillo

I will not deny that produces laziness return trip vacation to academic life. Alarm clock, classes, meetings… a tight schedule for the coming months. Estrenamos un año nuevo, 2011, as the calendar moves his numbers in a repetitive dance that brings notoriety to the seven days of the week. By… (leer más)

No Smoking


From today Spain has one of the laws of the world's most restrictive snuff, and not just “more advanced” as we want to sell to citizens. I will not defend the use of snuff or underestimate the damage that occurs in health, como tampoco se me ocurriría hacer lo propio con… (leer más)

61/193. International Year of Forests (2011)

Estrenamos un año nuevo. The resolution A/RES/61/193 of the UN General Assembly declares 2011 “International año de los Bosques” El valor de los Bosques but su papel en la del ecosistema CONSERVACION sugiere explotación nuevos modelos de que el equilibrio natural mantengan del ENTORNO. “Reconociendo que los bosques y su ordenación sostenible pueden… (leer más)

Christmas Tinsel to decorate the blog

Christmas comes and we usually decorate spaces we frequent with Christmas decorations: The house, work, shops… Similarly we can incorporate decorative elements on our website or blog, simplemente insertando una imagen con el clásico espumillón de navidad, with transparent background, entre las etiquetas <body> </body> de nuestro código HTML. En blogger… (leer más)

Veintemil y contando

En numerología, se dice que los números son uno de los conceptos humanos más perfectos y elevados. Según los que la practican, la numerología es la disciplina que pretende investigar la «vibración secreta» de ese código y enseñan a utilizar los números en su beneficio, por medio del estudio de su influencia sobre personas, animales,… (leer más)

My students work on the Blog [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

During these days the bridge, I will publish a series of works made by my students in the elective subject “Gráficos por ordenador” of the EUITA of the UPM, as part of an innovative educational experience we are doing, in which incorporate the Blog as a tool for the dissemination of knowledge from… (leer más)

Morphing : @ Pilarz [ Sqirlz Morph ]

A new morphing with avatars of tweet; in this case Pilarz and Photography pages where we can see their point of view towards life. Three types of pages to three ways of understanding the camera; from white and black to a deep and bright color, pasando por los efectos… (leer más)

NO child pornography

The child shall enjoy all the rights set forth in this statement. These rights will be granted to all children without exception or distinction or discrimination on account of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other, national or social origin, economic position, birth or other status, ya sea del propio niño… (leer más)

Morphing : @ Pequenayuffie Vs @ eva_rodri [ Sqirlz Morph ]

@pequenayuffie Vs @eva_rodri Periodista gallega, now in Barcelona!Interested in Social Media and Web 2.0. Always chasing today! Journalist Iberestudios. Master Cabinets and PR. News on Jobs, Education and Technology. Living in Barcelona, but always Galician! Iberestudios

8 October

There are few days to an event in which you can participate. The 8 October, an initiative called “LIVING” promoted by Senovilla and Artecar24, He encourages us to write about the concept that serves as title to this initiative: “The coexistence”. It is an action that can mobilize hundreds of people and give us a sense of group,… (leer más)