Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Android Invasion [ Wallpaper ] [ Blender ]

Android Army

Device invasion “Android” is unquestionable. Las estadísticas para el tercer trimestre del año (3Q2012) de crecimiento de las plataformas móviles no dejan lugar a dudas.

Ha invaded en Android in just 5 years old. Look at where we look we find several devices that hide “Andy”, the mascot of this OS.

An invasion spoiled and desired, as Google products without which, already, would not know live.

Andy y sus amigos (Android) [ School ][ Blender ]


Among the various free performances on the exercise of creating a couple of characters based on Andy, Current Android mascot, Hemos seen with creative ideas “new” friends and in this we find in this case “aged”

Jorge Gregorio Zaplana send us their work on the theme of this week, Android and Anniversary 5 years old.

Pumpkins of my students (VIII) [ Blender ]


The work of creating a Halloween pumpkin served to start modeling in Blender. Later works detailing the relief to a greater extent students have higher performance in the Edition.

Some people with more experience in the area, as David Sanchez Velasco have released to liven up his work with scenario.

Here the experience is clearly a degree and had a flat environments with depth and other decorative elements that enrich the set.

Andy and Drod (Android) [ School ][ Blender ]


In proposing to my students, como trabajo de la última clase de Blender, la realización de la pareja de Andy (mascota of Android) the trend has been the realization of a female figure or, even, la expresión del simbolismo de una relación de amor.

Sin embargo, in another case, the concept of partnership has been expressed in the sense of friendship or playmate, como en el trabajo de Adrián Echevarría, que se ha inventado a ‘Drod’, Andi friend and companion in adventure.

Pumpkins of my students (VII) [ Blender ]


We continue to receive pictures of halloween pumpkins, como la de Ángel Luis Sanz Vilaverde, con una mezcla de sonrisa en la expresión sin ser de calabaza de humor.

The strong relief in modeling how, and the separation of the geometry on top.

Pumpkins of my students (VI) [ Blender ]


The teaching unit, how to make a Halloween pumpkin in Blender facing the basic analysis of the modeling and rendering of an object, to create other objects very different based on the same building technique.

Although initially the goal is to create a representative picture of halloween, you can improvise with some humor conducting thematic variants, like this “Space invaders” conducted by Max Schwenzer.

Pumpkins of my students (V..) [ Blender ]


One aspect of the teaching unit, how to make a Halloween pumpkin in Blender facing the basic analysis of the modeling and rendering of an object, which have not been detailed rendering times are.

The first questions arise on this topic. It is something to be learned experimentally and depends on many aspects of the scene

Pumpkins of my students (IV) [ Blender ]


Con la unidad Didactica, cómo realizar una Calabaza de Halloween en Blender, afronta se el Análisis de un objeto renderizado básico y del modelizado.

El trabajo propuesto, Machidunia Realization una calabaza en formato de halloween wallpaper, cada de diferentes formas en las que puede Alumno orientarse introduce water creatividad y experiencia.

In some cases they have chosen to add several Pumpkins of halloween to the scene, en otros, como es el caso que estamos viendo, elaborado Khan el más Elaboradas Procedimiento utilizando TÉCNICAS soluciones.

Pumpkins of my students (III) [ Blender ]


Proposed topics in computer animation classes are developed by the student free.

From a simple script practice which advance the basics of working, each student brings their own interpretation of the theme.
In class explained, with a teaching unit, cómo realizar una Calabaza de Halloween en Blender. From working script were asked to make a wallpaper for hallowen night without specifying any restrictions.

Pumpkins of my students (II) [ Blender ]


The use of a subject, or work purposes, classes in computer animation allows us to have a reference in mind on which to project our progress.

Develop the most creative part of the student while he raises a personal challenge that serves to go searching for meaning and application to technical advances that occur in learning the subject.