Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Cycles

Pumpkins of my students (I) [ Blender ]


In the courses we offer to perform computer animation, as exercise, different compositions are inspired by some social issue. This year we used “Halloween” como referencia temática para componer una imagen tras la segunda clase del curso. Son imágenes que se corresponden con una primera etapa de formación, but with a meritorious work… (leer más)

Cycles : Materials : Vertex Paint with node “Attribute” [ Blender ]


The rendering engine “Cycles” materials relies on built of “shaders” and other nodes that give different attributes.

An interesting new node is called, precisely, “Attribute”. We will use this node to give texture to the object coloring its vertices.

Nuts and Bolts [ Wallpaper ] [ Blender ]

Nuts and Bolts

Blender incorporates the ability to create threaded bolts and nuts in a simple. These joints are complex to model using traditional editing tools, so grateful that they are incorporated into the latest versions of software.

To access these utilities we enter the User Preferences menu and activate the functionality.

RGB [ Cycles ] [ Wallpaper ]


An exercise in rendering the engine Cycles, Spot type three foci in the primary colors of light (Red, Green, Blue), projected onto three planes (horizontal bands) textured glass (glass) in identical colors.
The sum of the different colors allows for other side, and center, where all the three foci, The white color.

Environment Texture [ Cycles ] [ Blender ]


Los mapas de entorno permiten recrear un escenario a partir de una imagen panorámica de 360 grados.

Cycles in Blender has a node to create a fund from such images, reflejándose en los objetos que forman la escena.

En el menú “World” podemos definir la iluminación de entorno así como la imagen de fondo o mapa de entorno.

Lights and Shadows : Lamps [ Cycles ]

Luz y sombras

Lighting in Cycles is one of the aspects that differ with respect to the classical shading based on raytracing or raycast.

Point lights, contributing harsh shadows reducing the realism of the images, have given way to a model that approximates the actual light comportmiento a much more measured.

With the new model, Any object can be emissive and therefore act as a source of illumination in the scene.

Textured cubes with transparency [ Wallpaper ] [ Cycles ]


The accompanying model Blender shaders, called “Cycles” allows infinite combinations to create textures and materials, limited only by our imagination and technical knowledge.

Every day I experience with this model surprised me more creative capacity of su, by allowing a few laws combine with a range of varieties immeasurable chromatic and shape.

Human Waves [ Wallpaper ]


Jugando con las texturas de “Cycles” and a human model obtained in a repository.

Textura del cuerpo creada a partir de un nodo “Mix” que une un efecto “Glossy” con otro “Transparency” modulado con una textura “Waves”.

Render en formato wallpaper 1280 x 1024

Modelling with Blender curtains


Let the modeled, in this case, a window curtains. We will see how to create a basic form that will encourage and in the case of clothing with Blender simulator. To create a more realistic effect add a wind effect that gently push the curtains and we will render with cycles to see the final effect.