Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Trabajos

Ellipses and Parables around us [School]


A recurring job type blogs that have developed my students has been the search for and identification of the geometry in all aspects of their daily life, realizing the significance of it.

Conic curves studied in metric geometry section have a high interest in aeronautical engineering studies, and that help describe the trajectories of the bodies under the laws of gravity. Sin embargo, as clearly excel in their jobs, are not the only field of application. The short article that follows, performed by the student group calling itself “The Maze Angle” is a sample of these concerns in relation to the everyday.

The Degrees of Freedom and Constraints [School]

degree of freedom

One of the first concepts we address in the geometry classes is to restrictions and degrees of freedom of a geometric figure. It allows us to quantify the complexity of it and the possible way for determining geometric problems. Mis alumnos han interiorizado este concepto y en sus blogs es un… (leer más)

Spirals [School]


The geometry is shown in the elements of nature. Everyday forms can be described in simple geometric graphical models. We live by both the geometry on a daily basis without giving too much attention.
My students have reflected on this and we have presented some examples of their work, like this short article you are looking spirals in our environment

Divine Proportion: Φ-Bonacci [School] [Blogs experimental]

One of the entries subjects adapted to the geometry, group presents us “AG Los trapezoids”, where rescue basics of using multiple applications in engineering: The golden ratio. This number, geometric relationship also, has been chosen as the theme for other groups of students because of its importance, tanto en el estudio… (leer más)

Body Proportions to Draw [School] [Experimental Blogs]


A new entry created by my students “Graphic expression” has been selected to be published in the school blog Here we present the application of the “golden ratio” representation and calculation of body proportions, Leonardo as we proposed in their study of anatomy. A few… (leer más)

What looks like a fern, the coast and a snowflake?

The work done by my students in educatica innovation projects to improve teaching by incorporating new technologies, I want to highlight one that includes a very topical issue, and transcribe literally. Fue publicado originalmente en sus blogs durante el curso 2009-2010. Fractales por Catetos de la Geometría… (leer más)

Final Battle [Students work][Blender]

A new job computer graphics students, made with Blender animation software and edited with MovieMaker. Miguel Ramos Garcia presents us with strong drama a crisis scenario in the form of trailer space. I feel like I have its premiere, míra el vídeo y ya me dirás si no te apetece… (leer más)

Space Images [Students work]

Here are some images that pupils have generated animation software Blender. Initially they were posted on the blog that has been open for educational innovation project “innovablog” entitled Dibublog. This publication serves to increase the visibility of their work, at the same time constitute a permanent backup. Almost… (leer más)

Darling with the dark side [Students work][Blender]

During the last months has been published on the blog a Blender course, free software 3D animation. The course has been an innovative educational experience in which they have participated 50 technical inegenieria Aviation of the UPM students. The experience has consisted of giving training on a blended basis, with… (leer más)

Christmas Wallpaper (XXIX) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Samuel Fernandez

Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 741 x 592 made with Blender animation software. Work done by students of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Samuel Fernandez Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. Christmas scene with simulated aircraft with fur tree for christmas, coronado con texto de… (leer más)

Christmas Wallpaper (XXVIII) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]


Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 1280 x 1024 made with Blender animation software. Work done by the student of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Irene Jimenez Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. Christmas scene with Christmas trees and tinsel, Coronado with congratulatory text.