Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Mathematical transformations visually interpreted

The complexity of the equations vanishes when we are able to visualize their meaning. The Moebius transformation that defines investment by simple design concept between a plane and a sphere gives way to new conceptions of space. A selection of videos to admire a wonderful romance between mathematics and geometry…. (leer más)

Earthquakes on Earth: Earthquake activity in 2010 [Video animation]

Seismic activity on the planet between the 1 January and 5 March 2010 Updated January-April Source of images: Animated files are available that cover longer time periods. Far Relacionados Terremotos : Variation of seismic activity: 20 years 15 segundos Terremoto en Chile : Primeros momentos… (leer más)

Técnicas Dinámicas y Aprendizaje Transversal y Competencial en Grupos Numerosos de Alumnos: Proyectos de innovación educativos

The dynamic training in many groups is a task that requires specific strategies to achieve. The difficulty of organizing experiences in a dynamic group of over 40 or 50 school, creates a rejection to the Alarm incorporate appropriate educational techniques. Esto se produce especialmente en los grupos de primer curso que… (leer más)

Terremotos: Trends for Haiti and Chile

The interest news diluted over time. Are we interested in Haiti? Are we interested in Chile? Are we concerned about the football? Sometimes I think only for a short time. en la red No nos olvidemos de Chile ni de Haití. Source of graphic:, páginas de tendencias,chili,futbol/90 el 5… (leer más)

"Everything Drawing: Geometrical and visual curiosities" [Blogs experimental]

I present another “Educational Blogs” que participan en la experiencia de innovación educativa que se desarrolla en la EUITA. The choice of the name the common name of the subject, “dibujo”, que no su designación oficial “Graphic Expression”, indicando una proximidad hacia ésta. La combinación con la palabra “Todo”, que podemos entender como “exclusivamente” us… (leer más)

"Geometry Hicks: The Platonic solids" [Blogs experimental]

logo catetos

Os presento otro de los Blogs educativos” que participan en la experiencia de innovación educativa que se desarrolla en la EUITA. La elección del nombre asocia los lados de un triángulo pitagórico (Hicks), namely, un triángulo rectángulo, con los constituyentes del grupo. El doble sentido de la palabra “Hicks”, que puede significar tanto un elemento geométrico… (leer más)

"The Euler graph: The size of the Earth" [Blogs experimental]

I present another “Educational Blogs” que participan en la experiencia de innovación educativa que se desarrolla en la EUITA. La elección del nombre relaciona el mundo de los grafos con uno de sus principales creadores, that devised as a way to solve problems wit and other mathematically-. Curiosamente uno de los… (leer más)

Terremotos : Variation of seismic activity: 20 years 15 seconds

How does vary the seismic activity in the planet? An earthquake in isolation does not offer much information, their duration and intensity are the most important data first. Earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, and other recent lower-intensity carry the phenomenon to the plane of the scientific news. Al observar durante un cierto… (leer más)

Earthquake in Chile : First time on the net

Bandera Chile

Collection of links about the Earthquake in Chile and possible Tsunami, updated throughout the day. Extended to the valuation by the media and the new produced from Sunday news 28 February. Chile(Wikipedia) Imágenes wikipedia LISTA DE LUGARES DONDE COMPRAR PROVISIONES Mapa colaborativo de Comercio LISTA DE LUGARES DONDE COMPRAR PROVISIONES Establecimientos comerciales… (leer más)

PIZ : Character Modeling Process (II)

In the previous post we defined the relevant aspects of “Conceptual Design” Our friend PIZ, deepening fundamentally in their conception or structural design. In this new installment outlined aspects which are conforming our character, from a simple geometry. Have you started yours? Our objective is to link the artistic conception with the… (leer más)