Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Projection Mapping

Projection Mapping es el arte de utilizar proyecciones de imágenes que se adaptan a la forma de los objetos que se usan como “pantallas” o soportes de proyección, getting stunning views and elegant especially in urban elements. Es una nueva forma de comunicarse y promocionar eventos o productos. Es especialmente útil desde el punto de vista del marketing para aquellos que quieran lanzar un mensaje de una manera llamativa y atractiva visualmente con la exposición pública garantizada: la proyección en 3D de los edificios

Divine Proportion: Φ-Bonacci [School] [Blogs experimental]

One of the entries subjects adapted to the geometry, group presents us “AG Los trapezoids”, where rescue basics of using multiple applications in engineering: The golden ratio. This number, geometric relationship also, has been chosen as the theme for other groups of students because of its importance, tanto en el estudio… (leer más)

The Antikythera mechanism [School]

Within the work that our students have posted on their blog are those that refer to aspects of the geometry of antiquity dating. The interest in the technical aspects of difficult explanation is reflected in articles like the one with one of the most interesting mysteries: Antikythera mechanism (Antikythera).

Pieces of Drafting [37] [Normalization] [Education]


A new piece of technical drawing with a main plane of symmetry that we can help simplify your standard representation. The cylindrical shape attached to the body ortoédrico a perforation hole which is not (is a blind hole). In this exercise we can also simplify the representation making use of the characteristics of symmetry has the… (leer más)

3D Animation, Modifiers: Array: Helical staircase [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Geometry modifiers for transforming simple elements to complex objects that serve to build our scenarios. Here's an example that will allow us to form a spiral staircase ( straight axial helical) from a simple step that will apply a repetitive transformation law. A transformation of great interest are the “Arrays”,… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [36] [Normalization] [Education]


This piece of technical drawing depicting two perforated cylindrical shapes, arranged in two directions which are perpendicular with connecting ribs including. The edges are rounded at the intersection between the nerves and the cylinders, what may be indicated textually. Descargar Fichero PDF 3D En este ejercicio también podremos… (leer más)

Origami: Topological Principles [TED]


Todos hemos jugado en alguna ocasión con una hoja de papel para construir formas más o menos complejas, como las clásicas pajaritas o los típicos avioncitos que nos lanzábamos en el aula. Estas construcciones basadas en unos cuantos y simples principios topológicos constituyen un arte que se cultiva especialmente en algunos países asiáticos.

Pieces of Drafting [35] [Normalization] [Education]


The new piece of technical drawing exercise presented together with a reinforcing rib, some edge rounding to be represented according to the normalization rules. The drills presented have assumed“Interns”, namely, was found fully puncturing object. Descargar Fichero PDF 3D ¿ Cuántas vistas necesitaremos en este ejercício para… (leer más)

Body Proportions to Draw [School] [Experimental Blogs]


A new entry created by my students “Graphic expression” has been selected to be published in the school blog Here we present the application of the “golden ratio” representation and calculation of body proportions, Leonardo as we proposed in their study of anatomy. A few… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [34] [Normalization] [Education]


A new technical drawing exercise in which the main singularity is a cut in the upper cylindrical, and the difference in diameters of the inner bottom. Cut the cylinder will not use the normalization used for cuts or sections, ya que en este caso es real y no una… (leer más)