Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Laberinto Garfield con PHP

Younger children like to solve mazes. It represents a very spatial orientation exercise training. A labyrinth (the latin Labyrinthus, and this from the Greek λαβύρινθος labýrinzos) is a place made up of streets and crossroads, intentionally complex to confuse who trespasses on it.(W) I leave the result of a programming exercise in… (leer más)

Node editor: Efectos: Lens Distortion [Blender]


You know what is the effect barrel, or cushion effect, photographic?

One of the filters simulating node editor image distortions produced by the lens of a camera and other optical elements is “Lens Distortion”.


In the collective painting exhibition held in Madrid I saw a drawing made with cake, qualified “Hats (Interpretation C. Brave)” and performed by Inés Torres; a picture of great beauty that you can see in the exhibition catalog .

Crepuscular Rays


Among the most common atmospheric phenomena are called “Crepuscular Rays”. They occur when the sun's rays are partially occluded by a cloud that acts as a mask, y se difuminan en la atmósfera iluminando partículas de polvo en suspensión. Podemos observarlos en cualquier latitud, produciéndose especialmente en horas próximas a los crepúsculos y… (leer más)

Geometry in Nature: Regular pentagon [Oleander]


The pentagons are five-sided polygonal shapes. In case be regular, the length of these is the same for all of them. The pentagon has five vertices, and in the case of regular we differentiate between “convex” y los estrellados. Un pentágono regular es aquél que tiene todos sus lados iguales y… (leer más)

Geometry in sports: skiing [School]

Mens sana in corpore sano, and healthier the sport and a restless mind. My students enjoy both qualities and do not hesitate to relate by geometry applied to the design of equipment for sports. En esta entrada publicada en sus blogs tenemos un ejemplo de la aplicación de la geometría al estudio de la… (leer más)

Collective Painting Exhibition [Madrid]

Madrid has a varied supply of art and quality. Me ha llegado información de una exposición colectiva que se inaugurará el próximo miércoles 22 June 2011, to 20 h., Classroom Culture Cajamurcia. El catálogo que me han remitido por correo electrónico ofrece una atractiva visión de su… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [38] [Normalization] [Education]


Another new piece of technical drawing with a main plane of symmetry that we can help simplify your standard representation. Inside the cylindrical shape has different diameters, and a taper at one end that can be bounded with a diameter and height or tilt (angle or slope) and additional data…. (leer más)