Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

3D Animation, Objects: Tubes [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Animation forms threadlike tubes or pipes to simulate, hair and other elements of great use in the generation of scenarios and characters.

The build process is specific to each software tool.
How do you create a pipeline in Blender? Although it is a simple process, worth analysis to rapidly explore their generation and particularities.

Wallpaper: Cherries [Imagen 1280×1024]

There are many repositories of 3D models available on the net. Today I found a new one that has led me to the blog of the author, in which, inter alia, has a post engaged in the construction of a model of cherries: Acerolas, UM moment Saúde a simple change of lighting and orientation of the… (leer más)

What is a Lattice animation?

A “Lattice” a volume control is used in animation image synthesis can be used to controllably deform or complex surface geometry; si eliminamos el lattice la geometría vuelve a su forma original. A Lattice is essentially a simple container that can be used to deform and manipulate a more complex… (leer más)

Forms threadlike animation: Tubes

There are different techniques to generate all or part of the objects we use in creating computer animations. Knowledge of these techniques allow us to choose in each moment that best suits our needs in each case. Filiform forms are very useful in editing scenarios and parts… (leer más)

First exhibition in Spain of Buckminster FULLER

Dentro del ciclo de arquitectura que celebra anualmente durante los meses de septiembre y octubre, Ivorypress Art + Books produce –en colaboración con Foster + Partners– la exposición Bucky Fuller & Spaceship Earth, primera muestra presentada en España sobre el visionario arquitecto, diseñador, filósofo, matemático y cartógrafo estadounidense. Boletín AV (Arquitectura Viva) Del 1 of… (leer más)

Goloviarte: Vicente Lopez's art with acrylics

Me gusta recomendar los blogs que al visitarlos me han aportado algo nuevo, especialmente aquellos en los que la temática acaricia el mundo de la imagen. Hoy os traigo el espacio de @goloviarte, unas páginas que promociona su pintura aproximándo el arte a nuestros hogares. Artista plástico, soñador y con ganas de compartid todas mis… (leer más)

Painting with Pastels: Jesus Maria Casati: Pitcher and Pears

Another work of Jesus Maria Casati, that presents a beautiful composition in the form of still life, which contrasts the coldness of ceramic fruit juiciness. Images that remain in the external memory to the evolution of cities, in which you lose the essence of what manners.