Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Society

Digital Illiterate

Illiteracy is the inability to read and write, which is usually due to lack of learning. In countries with compulsory schooling, illiteracy is a minority. Some people use the adjective of the word, referring only to one of the characteristics of this, being used incorrectly (W) Illiteracy has many faces; digital culture in… (leer más)

Rotor [II] [Imagen]

A helicopter is an aircraft heavier than air that is supported and propelled by one or more horizontal rotors, each one consisting of the more shovels. Los helicópteros están clasificados como aeronaves de alas giratorias para distinguirlos de las aeronaves de ala fija porque los helicópteros crean sustentación con las palas que… (leer más)

3D Animation, Files: Save images with textures [Blogs experimental][ Blender ]

When saving a file as we have seen in the Blender tutorial containing textures formed with images, stored the geometry and the structure of data you keep it but them images.

Instead of storing the texture and the image that it defines, stored the structure rationale and the different images are sustituyen sus absolute address for the relative.

Flowers in the Market Arenal de Sevilla [Imagen][ photo ]

La flor es la estructura reproductiva característica de las plantas llamadas espermatofitas o fanerógamas. La función de una flor es producir semillas a través de la reproducción sexual. For plants, the seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means through which the species are perpetuated and spread. (W) I love flowers; sus… (leer más)

What size has a vane? [image]

The blades of a jet engine can be of different sizes, ranging from a few millimeters in engines designed for model to three feet in major aeronautical turbines. Here you have a photo taken in the “Engines Laboratory” aviation schools (EIAE) of UPM. Comparar el tamaño… (leer más)

Paddle [Imagen]

Blade is referred to each of the curved vanes of a hydraulic turbine wheel or. The blades are part of the gas turbine, las turbinas of Vapor, turbochargers, fans and other rotating equipment. (W) La función de los álabes es la de “empujar” el aire (como las palas de un ventilador) a una cámara… (leer más)

Rotor [Imagen]


A helicopter rotor is the rotating part of a helicopter aerodynamic lift generated. The helicopter rotor, also called the rotor system, typically refers to the helicopter's main rotor is mounted on a vertical mast on top of the helicopter, although it can also refer to the tail rotor. A… (leer más)