Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

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Perception and contours

Gestalt laws to identify numerous visual recognition processes are unsuccessful leading to optical illusions.

The most common are “Fund-Figure” in which the outline of objects defines what can be found in the first or last plane.

The “Familiarity of objects” also heavily involved in the recognition and constantly compared with the known elements looking for repeating patterns.

New Year, new banner

We started the year full of hope, with new purposes, loaded with ideas that have not yet seen the light. The new year is full of opportunities to launch new projects, to take all that we have in the bedroom waiting for a good time to put it on the table or on the blog
New Year, new banner.

It is better to travel in groups [ Animation ]


Cada vez es más frecuente la utilización de la imagen de síntesis en el desarrollo de spots publicitarios de gran difusión. En los vídeos que se acompañan podemos ver una campaña orientada a fomentar el uso del transporte colectivo que se apoya ene estas herramientas de producción. utilizándo la humanización de animales con gran acierto… (leer más)

CAMEL double images: Figure Fund

CAMEL The company dedicated to the development and distribution of manufactured mainly snuff has been known for its logo depicting a camel in the desert. Always has been speculated about the hidden content of his images, what are called “double images”. Ha llegado a mis manos una caja metálica de… (leer más)

Comb in crisis [Advertising picture]

In the play "Clouds" of Aristophanes, on 423 before Christ, playwright showed his animosity toward Socrates. In this comedy, a rustic character, a peasant uneducated, is surprised to learn of the existence of the dactyl verses explaining the poet. El labriego piensa que al hablar de dáctilo Sócrates se refería… (leer más)

Double images: Group: Advertising Camel: Brick Wall

A new example in which the Laws of Gestalt perceptual give us the keys for decoding an image with double meanings.
The fight between the perception of “the everyday” like a house of an urban landscape and the process of “Equality or equivalence” that give rise to regular patterns grouping, as is the case with the exposed brick wall, make us jump between the two images, city ​​street or advertising Camel.

Percepción: Leyes de la Gestalt

Among the theories that have been developed around the sense of sight, are of special interest are those that are included under the so-called “Gestalt Theory”, which highlights a set of laws that structure the cognitive process which takes place during the decoding of the information you give us light.