Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Technology

The Antikythera mechanism [School]

Within the work that our students have posted on their blog are those that refer to aspects of the geometry of antiquity dating. The interest in the technical aspects of difficult explanation is reflected in articles like the one with one of the most interesting mysteries: Antikythera mechanism (Antikythera).

Aircraft Detection before Radar was invented

Before the radar also detected enemy aircraft early. The propagation of sound of their engines design allowed for devices that captured the pressure waves. I received a graphic document unknown to authorship, of great historical value that I leave to enjoy. Are giant ears?

Sticks bridges Contest 2011 [School]

As every year, Professor Jaime Rua, junto con la profesora María Jesús Casati nos regalan unas simpáticas imágenes del concurso de puentes de palillos que realizan con los alumnos de tercero de la especialidad de “Airports” technical aeronautical engineering. Una clase en forma de concurso de alto interés pedagógico que cierra un… (leer más)

How does the second hand of a clock?

Since childhood I have always wanted to know how he watches ingeniaban to make the seconds hand jumps off, instead of maintaining a continuous and uniform motion. I could understand that circular motion, a gear wheel, could be transmitted to the other wheels of different sizes achieving varying speed,… (leer más)


We are starting to see machines that are able to perform tasks previously unthinkable. Robots y Bots se van haciendo un hueco a nivel doméstico en nuevos aparatos de consumo con los que convivimos casi sin pensar en ello. En este vídeo, nos presentan uno que tras un elemental reconocimiento de imagen es capaz de “play”… (leer más)

3D Animation, Layers: Layered Organization [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

When complex scenes are handled with a large number of elements is necessary to organize the objects so that their display can be deleted and, or, to simplify calculation and rendering handling.
Concept “layer” 3D animation differs substantially from that associated with programs dimensional image retouching, where the layers overlap in order (high to low depth) influencing the resulting final image.

3D Animation, Shading: Transparent materials [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

In any program editing and 3D modeling have settings that define the properties of each material. Transparency or opacity of the object is one of the more complex features simulate. To handle transparent objects we use a value that measures the opacity (Contrary transparency) . Un valor nulo… (leer más)

3D Animation, Key Framing [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Normally understand as “encourage”, the process that allows to provide an object moving in a scene, The concept of animation is more complex, a valid approximation generalizing a bit more could be:

Cheerleading is change some aspect of the scene over time.

3D Animation, Shading: Parámetros de las Texturas [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Some textures can work a lot of concepts widely used in the synthesis imaging. The seeing practically introduce some illustrative examples, but we can go making classifications to help us structure this rich variety of possibilities offered. After adding a texture, we adjust the various parameters… (leer más)

3D Animation, Shading: Add Textures to Material [Blogs experimental] [Blender]


Hemos visto como editar o añadir un material a un objeto, así como las principales propiedades de éstos. At the moment the whole object “dressed” the same color, varying only the illumination effect on its surface to provide the sense of volume. The textures add a component of credibility to objects, to… (leer más)