Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Science

Index of refraction

Index of refraction

By introducing transparent materials have been different parameters that characterize. In “Cycles” have named a shader “Glass” to simulate the behavior of translucent objects where the light changes direction through them.

Has an associated transparency parameter that redirection of light rays passing through the material, is the coefficient of refraction; the software performs calculations to simulate these effects are based on the "Law of Snell".

Further Up Yonder - a message from ISS to all Humankind [ Timelapse ]


A beautiful timelapse with images from NASA that reminds us that we have begun to live off planet Earth, in the ISS.

It is the beginning of a long process of expansion in the universe. A first step in the conquest of new spaces in which to live in peace and harmony, between men and nature.

One giant leap for mankind.

Night : Earth Animated GIF


NASA often surprise us with their beautiful images of Earth and other celestial bodies. This time it is not an image directly obtained by one of several cameras that orbit our planet, but have made an interesting image compose any number of photographs of different areas at night.

An image can only imagine a world lit by artificial lights night.
With this image, applied as a texture on a sphere in Blender, has made a small animation of planet Earth Evening Dress, in animated GIF format.

Worldmapper : Another way of looking with Maps earthlike

Worldmapper is a website that allows you to view data graphically, map shaped Earth, that tell us about our world: The distribution of wealth, its inequalities, risks etc..

The data associated with the different countries are projected on a globe that inflates or deflates their maps to see the impact of the studied data on each of the countries, modifying its appearance.

More than 600 maps covering each one of them a 200 territories, covering 99.95% of the world's population.

Geometry and origami [ Book ]

Geometry and origami Stella is a book published by Homo Sapiens Ricotti transmitting “happiness” from the world of mathematics. The author takes us to the world of geometry “playing” from bases underlying topological a paper sheet.

A teaching resource certainly of great value that can be entered at different educational levels; allows “touch” mathematics from the realization of the geometric models that express perfection.

Photosynthesis [ Blender ] [ Education ]

Blender is a tool with surprising capabilities. Kelvin Song has created this video to their biology classes using the editing tool, modeling and animation.

A simple animation in which the text is the protagonist, accompanied by a lively band and an elementary render, make this work an artistic reference for scientific and educational publications.

A work that demonstrates how easy it can be effective in many areas of application. Hopefully see more of this level used in the classroom.

Metric geometry: Circunferencias con condiciones angulares. Solución al Problema I

From the different solutions to the problem are proposed to obtain circumferences with angular conditions ( passing through a point, are tangent to a circle, forming an angle with a straight), we will analyze this solution using the application of the concepts of power used in the “Fundamental Problem Tangencies” ( PFT ).

The general model search can be the first step of a surveyor training. Later we discuss specific ways this particular problem that could simplify the tracking.

Acoustic Levitation


The video that accompanies this page has been produced by “Argonne Labs” and demonstrates the ability to levitate small objects with fluids and sound waves produced by two small speakers with frequencies above 20 KHz (22.000 Hertz)

The two loudspeakers, aligned with high precision, generate some points in space ,called nodes, in which there is no energy transfer; the pressure of the sound waves is able to counteract the force of gravity allowing the drop to remain in suspension. An interesting effect developed by NASA to simulate microgravity and can be used at present for the synthesis of drugs.

Soma resin [ 3D Printer ]

Soma resin

3D printers are becoming more common in college environments, industrial and scientific. Gradually incorporate other household types to become an element of our toolboxes.

These tools allow 3D models from a data file that describes the geometry. Normally be used for parts or mechanical objects or simple rapid prototyping.

Here I present the results of using this technique to produce 3D views of the soma of a neuron, that can be used for the study neuroscientists morphologically.

We spoke with Javier DeFelipe on Innovation and Neuroscience


After the conference Innovation & Neuroscience: Innovation in science: what makes us humanosimpartida by Professor Javier DeFelipe in the BBVA Innovation Center 18 October, conducted a short interview that has been edited with images of the event.

Javier reinforces the idea of ​​the need for post-processing image recognition and chart the progress of science.

Innovation & Neuroscience: Innovation in science: what makes us human


Javier DeFelipe left us engrossed for near 80 minutes with an interesting talk, within the cycle of conferences on innovation that celebrates the BBVA.

I connect this input to keep this magical moment in which a more skilled people currently in this field, has given us some of your time with a masterful oratory.