Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de octubre 2012

Couple of cartoon characters


In many animation productions are pairs of characters that complement; are clearly differentiated and can be antagonistic or contrary in some aspect: One high and one low; one fat and the other skinny; one dark and the other fair; one with long hair and the other with little hair; one set and the other …. less ready.

A character designer or “Character Designer” be the person who give personality to the character. You have to get the character to have "life” and to provide some kind of feeling.

Los 12 principles of animation


Disney studies laid the foundation of traditional animation, and its subsequent spread to the world of 3D computer animation. During the early years developed a set of rules to keep in mind in any animation for organic effect of the characters, denominating “Los 12 principles of animation”.

The glass sculptures by Pedro Garcia (Peter Glass)


Pedro Garcia (Peter Glass) is a sculptor who uses glass as a basis for their work, playing with light and color of this delicate and fragile materials.

His sculptures reveal its essence from a unique artistic conception of the universe that surrounds. Your sensitivity to the ways lets boundless ideation that is reflected in its extensive work.

El cerdito Ormie [ Animation ]

Ormie the Pig

A short animation that revolves around a fun character, and cerdito Ormie, and unique strategies to get their prized loot: Some biscuits.

Una historia basada en un escenario simple y un acto repetitivo. With very simple frames but greatly motivate ateción, reinforced with a great soundtrack, Fresh and lively.
A short that has received numerous awards, produced by Arc Productions.

Revolver Maps : estadísticas de visitas en blogs de forma visual

Revolver Maps

De forma similar a Pulsemap, Revolver Maps es una herramienta visual que nos da información en tiempo real del número y procedencia de las visitas al blog.

Se instala facilmente a partir de las páginas oficiales de Revolver Maps.

Las visitas que se encuentran activas (conectadas con el blog) son visualmente identificadas con un destello sobre el mapa, creando una curiosa sensación de dinamismo.

2 optical illusions minutes

optical illusions

A funny video where we can enjoy a set of very colorful optical illusions that fool our brains manage.

Static objects apparent movement endowed, straight lines appear broken, objects appear to be larger than they are, impassable objects … a nice, and a little crazy, paseo by algunos clásicos presentados fun way en only minutes of video.



Trendsmap is an application that displays, Real time,.the words become trending topics on the social network Twitter.

Shows the terms that are “trend” on a geographical map, with font sizes that represent the intensity of use.

It identifies geographic areas or terms (words) to see where they are using, providing information in addition to that used tuits, of most viewed images and videos.

An interesting application to know what happens in the world, graphically without leaving home.

Blender 2.64 New version of 3D animation suite

The latest version of the software suite 3D animation production, Blender, is available for download. The new version introduces many improvements, incorporates new features and revises many other increasing efficiency and manageability. In particular note is the incorporation of the new native rendering engine “Cycles” and… (leer más)

Optical illusion based on comparison with the environment


Perceiving is the process we made when decode visual information we receive and understand.

Errors that occur in this process result in different types of optical illusions, that can be classified or grouped into types based on Gestalt process involving the analysis of stimuli.

ROSA [ Animation ]

ROSA is a short animation of Jesus Orellana deestética “Underground” some comics reminiscent of the 80's.

Use the aesthetics “Matrix” little contrast in environments that create a dense atmosphere, almost dark, to develop an argument in which a cyborg must fight to survive.

An interesting audiovisual proposal may soon become a super-production of cinema.

Metric geometry: Circunferencias con condiciones angulares. Problema I

angular problems

Geometric problems can be addressed with different strategies to simplify the analysis and resolution. We can usually fit them into families well structured problems specific solutions to suit each particular problem.

Here is a basic problem in geometry “dress” or “adapted” to a technological application, suppose particularly for defining a part geometric conditions need angular constraints given by.