Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de marzo 2013

Cyprus and the Euro [ Imagen ]

A new image, made with Blender, which associates economic problems of the eurozone countries like Cyprus, in the dark background of the global economy.

A news, Cypriot playard, that does nothing to call ghosts we all have, debate rescuing the euro's survival.
The legal uncertainty of these events in contrast to our criticisms of the nationalization of enterprises in third countries. Payment of the economic excesses imposed on the population in a dark suit political and social interests.

Today is Cyprus, a small country … Tomorrow?

Formula 1 Melbourne, Australia [ Imagen ][ #F1 ]

The show starts with the speed of Formula Race 1 (F1) circuit in Melbourne (Australia).
A new season motivates us picture of the day, with a 3D model of a formula 1 reflected on planes, with a profile of Australia providing translucent color.

A new season in which we see again the struggle between the technical teams and the skill of the pilots.

Iberia fracture [ Wallpaper ]

The company Iberia (IB) is one of the oldest in the world. Currently in the news for their strikes as a result of technical and economic difficulties suffered, that have led to various workforce adjustments, fleet and service lines.

One company that we have known all life and the logo shown in the national colors of a country, fractures and struggle to survive in an ever expanding market, globalized and competitive environment in which low cost companies impose their business models.

White smoke [ Animated GIF ]

We're waiting. Again the process of electing a new pope captures the attention of Christians and non-Christians.

Everything is ready for that moment of joy in a simple smoky chimney announces the agreement of the heads that have this mission: Choosing the spiritual leader of more than 2000 million faithful.

While, until we have the “fumata blanca”, see an animated gif created with Blender remember that we lived this moment Hemos.

Explosiones nucleares desde 1945 [ Timelapse ]

Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto is the creator of this interesting timelapse in which, on a terrestrial map, we can see visually and audibly the set of nuclear tests conducted by different countries on our planet, entre los años 1945 and 1998.

Each country uses a color and a sound type associated to their own tests, the whole forming an audiovisual work of the hand of this artist who transforms every month on the second animation in timelapse.

Lluvia solar ( Lluvia coronal )

A few times visible phenomenon in which our sun king expels a considerable amount of solar material “coronal mass ejection (CME)”. These phenomena associated with significant changes in magnetic fields can be of different nature.
The video shows one of them in which the mass ejected by gravitational effect returns as “rain”. The proportions of the phenomenon are illustrated by comparing the flare with the size of planet earth.

Outliner : Datablocks : Changing the display [ Blender ]

Al profundizar en Blender podemos cambiar numerosos parámetros que añaden una nueva dimensión al software al ampliar de forma sustancial sus posibilidades.

Uno de los menús que nos permiten realizar estos cambios lo encontramos en una de las secciones del “Outliner”, que hemos utilizado para visualizar y seleccionar el grafo de escena que contiene los elementos que la forman.

The Secret Code [ Book ]

There are books and books. Some serve mainly to balance a wobbly table, while, others, never cease to fascinate.
The geometry as ancient science is reflected in all aspects surrounding the history of the human. Her knowledge has allowed the development of painting, architecture, interpreting nature …
In particular the segment aureus, the so-called divine proportion or golden rule of geometry, systematically appears in all geometric models to be a basic theme of the training of our current engineers.