Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Humor

Halloween Night 3D [ Animation ] [ videos ] : The Passenger


La noche que antecede al día de todos los santos, o de los difuntos, es la noche de halloween.
Es un espacio para el miedo, el terror, en un ambiente de humor que desdramatiza la muerte.

Los colores naranja y negro sirven para decorar esta festividad, en la que el truco o trato se repite entre los más jóvenes.

Chicken Chair [ Blender ][ video ][ Animation ]

chair animation

Chicken Chair're a fun short of 1 minute duration in the year 2004 with the Blender animation software, por Bassam Kurdali, who has worked among others, at Orange Studios, An interesting example of character animation with synthetic image, which humanize an inanimate (Saddle) como personaje… (leer más)

Los 12 principles explained on a video animation of Pixar: Knick Knack

knick knack

Las mejoras basadas en los 12 principios clásicos de la animación aportan credibilidad a los personajes y escenas del cine basado en imagen de síntesis. They were developed with the first experiences of Disney animation was. These principles are: Stretching and Shrinking (Squash and stretch) Staging (Staging) Acción Directa y Pose a Pose Acción… (leer más)

Laberinto Garfield con PHP

Younger children like to solve mazes. It represents a very spatial orientation exercise training. A labyrinth (the latin Labyrinthus, and this from the Greek λαβύρινθος labýrinzos) is a place made up of streets and crossroads, intentionally complex to confuse who trespasses on it.(W) I leave the result of a programming exercise in… (leer más)

Circuit [Animation]


Circuit is a small animated short with synthetic image in which two characters cyber (robots) have a fun showdown. The video is a good example of so-called “Particle Systems” and the application of techniques “multifísica” for automatic generation of moving objects. With these systems, objects… (leer más)

Fly [Animation]

A new installment of animations made with synthetic image used to illustrate the techniques required in these productions. The interest here lies in the possibility of group work that can be retrofitted to build a short; una interesante idea para proponer como trabajo de fin de curso en… (leer más)


Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorder. Although insomnia is often only seen as difficulty initiating sleep, the fact is that the inability to sleep can take several forms: difficulty falling asleep at bedtime (initial insomnia, the most common of the three) despertares frecuentes durante la… (leer más)

PIZ's popularity soars

PIZ, This likeable character that has given name to this blog, has become overnight the morning someone indispensable in the life of the inhabitants of the planet Earth. Han empezado a aparecer manifestaciones de esta realidad paralela en diferentes medios audiovisuales de especial relevancia, como podemos ver en las imágenes que… (leer más)

Comb in crisis [Advertising picture]

In the play "Clouds" of Aristophanes, on 423 before Christ, playwright showed his animosity toward Socrates. In this comedy, a rustic character, a peasant uneducated, is surprised to learn of the existence of the dactyl verses explaining the poet. El labriego piensa que al hablar de dáctilo Sócrates se refería… (leer más)