Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Img categories synthesis

3D Animation, Layers: Layered Organization [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

When complex scenes are handled with a large number of elements is necessary to organize the objects so that their display can be deleted and, or, to simplify calculation and rendering handling.
Concept “layer” 3D animation differs substantially from that associated with programs dimensional image retouching, where the layers overlap in order (high to low depth) influencing the resulting final image.

Effects of reflection in water : Software Sqirlz Water Reflections

We have seen how to make a morphing of an image by special software (Sqirlz Morph) Xiberpix company from two images or videos. En esta entrada incorporamos una nueva herramienta a nuestro repertorio de programas de manipulación de imagen de síntesis, con la que podremos generar impresionantes efectos de reflexión especular mezclados con… (leer más)

Transparency, Reflection and Refraction Gloss effect [Image]

Refraction Cubes, Reflection and Gloss effect Select with the mouse to view the image at its actual size Raytracing Images Image Synthesis: RGB RGB Transparencies [Image] 3D Animation, Lights: Types 3D Animation, Lights: Shadows 3D Animation, Lights: Lighting with Textures 3D Animation, Shading: Transparent materials

3D Animation, Shading: Transparent materials [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

In any program editing and 3D modeling have settings that define the properties of each material. Transparency or opacity of the object is one of the more complex features simulate. To handle transparent objects we use a value that measures the opacity (Contrary transparency) . Un valor nulo… (leer más)

Raytracing Images: RGB [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Blender utiliza el modelo aditivo de luz para el tratamiento del color. Therefore used three “channels” (RGB ,Red, Green, Blue) with primary colors. There is another model, complementary to the previous, which is used to study painting, and you can experiment by mixing the colors of the clay, painting etc.; cada… (leer más)

3D Animation, Lights: Shades [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

The lights and the shadows they cast on objects, are fundamental elements of an animation scene. Their use should be adjusted fineness since they are a source of a significant increase in computational complexity. Algunos sistemas limitan el número de puntos de iluminación ya que pueden llegar a saturar la capacidad de… (leer más)

Visual Introduction to Shaders and lighting models [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Synthetic images, as we are calculating with Blender, are rendered with different types of algorithms; results vary the final representation of the objects in the scene. We must distinguish between two different aspects when it comes to study in detail the process of image creation, from the point of view of the software to… (leer más)

200 Tickets: Dance! with p'alante and Blender

With this entry are 200. Seis meses de blog que celebramos con un tema del último disco de P’ALANTE y unos renderizados hechos con Blender: “Reflections” as the title indicates, they reflect the theme of the same. “Within four walls” es el título del disco y el tema utilizado se denominaCanción desesperada”. 17 topics… (leer más)

Images RayTracing: Spheres with Raytracing [ rendered with Blender ]

Something light for the weekend, RayTracing an image of a scene consisting of spheres and planes, with a high level of recursion and transparency effects with the model “Fresnel”. An example of the beauty of the images you can get free software Blender. Other rendering engines as Yafray (that… (leer más)