Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Video categories

Elephants Dream [Blender] [video]


Elephants Dreams is a short film made entirely with Blender. Elephants Dream is the story of two strange characters while exploring a capricious and seemingly infinite machine. An elderly man, Proog, acts as a guide and protector, disfrutando mientras muestra las imágenes y los peligros de la máquina a su protegido Emo inicialmente curioso, but… (leer más)

Blender Art Gallery


El software de modelado, animación y renderizado “Blender” permite obtener imágenes de gran realismo. La galería que hay en sus páginas oficiales es una muestra de ello. En esta galería se presentan algunos de los mejores trabajos realizados con esta potente herramienta de software gratuito y código abierto,, que además tiene una versión portable. East… (leer más)

Node editor: Efectos: Lens Distortion [Blender]


You know what is the effect barrel, or cushion effect, photographic?

One of the filters simulating node editor image distortions produced by the lens of a camera and other optical elements is “Lens Distortion”.

3D Animation, Modifiers: Array: Helical staircase [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Geometry modifiers for transforming simple elements to complex objects that serve to build our scenarios. Here's an example that will allow us to form a spiral staircase ( straight axial helical) from a simple step that will apply a repetitive transformation law. A transformation of great interest are the “Arrays”,… (leer más)

The List [Animation]


A new example of animation made with Blender, I use in classes “Animation for ordenador” to teach students the most. The narrative sequence is based on a sober setting that focuses on the experiences of the character. A good example of minimalist communication.

Hoy 22 marzo es el Día Internacional del Agua

The UN General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/47/193 by the 22 March each year, has been declared World Water Day. The objective of World Water Day (2011) es conseguir la atención internacional sobre el impacto del rápido crecimiento de la población urbana, industrialización e incertidumbre que… (leer más)

Node editor: HSL color [Blender]

The best known color model is the RGB; uses three channels of information to the primary color components (Red, green and blue) and, sometimes, Additional other known “alpha” which is used for information about the transparency of each pixel. Existen otros modelos como el HSL que representan los colores con otro… (leer más)

Final Battle [Students work][Blender]

A new job computer graphics students, made with Blender animation software and edited with MovieMaker. Miguel Ramos Garcia presents us with strong drama a crisis scenario in the form of trailer space. I feel like I have its premiere, míra el vídeo y ya me dirás si no te apetece… (leer más)