Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Profundidad campo

3D Animation, Parámetros de la Cámara : Profundidad de campo [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]


En fotografía convencional siempre se han utilizado tecnicismos que describen propiedades ópticas que se traducen en efectos sobre la imagen capturada.

Uno de los términos más conocidos es “La profundidad de campo” que hace referencia al efecto de nitidez o desenfoque que se aprecia en zonas de la imagen en función de su distancia a la cámara.

Este efecto se puede simular en Blender al utilizar “Cycles” como motor de renderizado, permitiendo efectos de desenfoque controlado alrededor de un punto.

3D Animation, Parámetros de la Cámara : Lens [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]


When we generate an image of a scene in Blender we do using a “camera” located at our virtual space.

The parameters that can be adjusted with this virtual camera to modify its position, orientation and optical characteristics of a conventional camera classic, as the depth of field, associated optics, etc..

Cycles : Cámara : Profundidad de campo [ Blender ]


One of the effects that bring more realism to an image synthesis is obtained by focusing an object or region located at a distance of cámara.Simula the human eye to focus attention on a particular object, finding other objects more or less blurred.
In photography this effect is known to focus / blur and depth of field of the image, being the result of two factors, aperture and shutter speed.
Rendering made with “Cycles” Blender allows you to define the field profundid very easily. Will select in the scene the camera and go into the menu for your configuration by clicking its icon.

3D Animation, The House: Move, Rotate and Follow [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Object “camera” identifies the chosen viewpoint for generating images of our scene. By turning the camera we have seen that when you select the camera (for this we select the icon that represents it with the right mouse button) axes appear to us (RGB) that allow us to change their position (by dragging the… (leer más)