Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Web

Display: Visual tools for the socio–semantic web

Seeking models for scientific visualization applications of massive data (neurons of the cerebral cortex) he disfrutado con el trabajo de Moritz Stefaner y su Masters Thesis “Visual tools for the socio–semantic web” (.pdf, 12MB)
In his bibliography is defined as a person interested in the representation of information:

Discovery: STS-131. Time Lapse Movie

Un fantástico vídeo acelerado (Time lapse), que nos muestra la fase final de un lanzamiento en la que se realiza el ensamblaje del “Space Shuttel” con el conjunto formado por los depósitos laterales de combustible y el motor principal, así como su traslado a la estructura soporte para su lanzamiento.


We are starting to see machines that are able to perform tasks previously unthinkable. Robots y Bots se van haciendo un hueco a nivel doméstico en nuevos aparatos de consumo con los que convivimos casi sin pensar en ello. En este vídeo, nos presentan uno que tras un elemental reconocimiento de imagen es capaz de “play”… (leer más)

What is Morphing ?

Classically known “Morphing” to a technique of digital image manipulation that allows a controlled transition animation-- two different images. The transformation required for its calculation is done in the so-called “space ratio”. A generalization of the concept of morphing in the “Object Space” es la transformación de un… (leer más)

3D Animation, windows interface [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

In the previous article, 3D Animation, introduction to the interface, we began exploring the interface. Hemos visto varios ejemplos sencillos que nos empiezan a mostrar la capacidad de producción que nos facilita el programa Blender.Continuamos la introducción a esta potente herramienta de animación 3D viendo cómo podemos modificar el sistema de ventanas para adaptarlo a nuestra forma… (leer más)

Earthquakes on Earth: Earthquake activity in Jan-Apr 2010 [Video animation]

Seismic activity on the planet between the 1 January and 9 April 2010 Source of images: Animated files are available that cover longer time periods. Far Relacionados Terremotos (page with the latest developments) Terremotos : Variation of seismic activity: 20 years 15 segundos Terremoto en… (leer más)

Perlin Noise: Pseudorandom functions for terrain generation

The creation of virtual environments requires the modeling of large amounts of training data for different scenarios recreate surfaces. The fractal nature of our world allows the use of various mathematical functions for the automation of these tasks. Trees, land, clouds, fire etc.. are built with different techniques many of them based… (leer más)

The Known Universe by AMNH

My partner always forwards Santiago Poveda works great interest. I leave the text of your mail and the embeded video. I would see it in full screen! Just a few weeks, el Museo Americano de Historia Natural colgó en la red este espectacular vídeo, una reconstrucción informática que muestra un “viaje” desde la superficie… (leer más)

Cajal Blue Brain: Brain molecular simulation

The Blue Brain Project aims molecular level simulation of the mammalian brain. In this first article outlines the main ideas and actors involved in the project. This initiative, supported by Big Blue (IBM) It focuses on Spain in the so-called Cajal Blue Brain (in honor of our… (leer más)

Squaring the Circle is not difficult, It is impossible!

All that we have ever said that something is more difficult than squaring the circle. What does it mean? It is impossible. Squaring the circle is therefore not a difficult task, not impossible. The mathematical problem can be stated as: “Determining a square having the same area as a circle“ Esto… (leer más)