Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Technology

Pixel: That great unknown

En este artículo se analiza el concepto de “píxel gráfico” desde diferentes perspectivas, aportando reflexiones y enlace con diferentes disciplinas; Pensamientos interconectados a través de su estudio durante años de aprendizaje en el mundo gráfico. Al ser propuesta como redacción libre, It is approached from a relaxed speech without losing the rigor that grants… (leer más)

How to generate a Recursive Fractal.

Fractals have been commonly known by its appearance or artistic expression. Benoît Mandelbrot defended its importance now begins to glimpse. Escher drew them from his imagination, without knowing complex equations representing.

(Imagen M.C. Escher's "Gravity")

The use of fractals in diversss disciplines, as generators of complex systems models, are an area of ​​research ever more present.

An approach to fractal geometry can be easily performed by the Koch curve.

Always has mistreated the Drawing.

If any area of ​​knowledge has been abused in contemporary education has been to “Graphic Expression“. Usually has taught in courses that have been termed pejoratively as “the marias“; The meaning is associated with its facility to be approved by the students. Drawing, plastic expression, arts education, etc., son nombres comúnmente utilizados… (leer más)

What is LOD?: Level Of Detail

The realization of complex scenarios and games with high realism demands the use of sophisticated techniques that avoid saturating the bandwidth available on graphics cards.

Reducing the number of polygons to represent one of the priority objectives for improving performance.

Una técnica que permite representar un objeto con un número de polígonos que depende de la distancia del objeto al punto de observación se denomina LOD (Level Of Detail)

En este artículo profundizaremos en estos conceptos que permiten optimizar la representación de complejas escenas con gran realismo.

Definiendo la Realidad Virtual ¿Qué es?

Definition of Virtual Reality (RV) What is Virtual Reality? How can we define something that in itself is contradictory?: ¿The Virtual Real? Un paradigma que evoluciona desde su nacimiento incorporando nuevos recursos y nuevos interrogantes asociados a ellos no tiene fácil conceptualización y, accordingly, its definition is subject to further revisions. Existen multitud de… (leer más)

Optical Illusions views with Photoshop. Analysis Panel.

A tool like Photoshop can be used to view a picture from another conceptual perspective. Besides their use for composing and generating for illustration purposes, can be used for other tasks, as the analysis of an illusion, a medical image etc.. El mundo de la imagen nos ofrece curiosidades que afectan al… (leer más)

Avatar: Programming of Autonomous Characters

The current lineup of the characters autonomous avatars, to generate dynamic virtual worlds, every day, represent everyday reality or fantasy with great fidelity and realism. Structured models to implement autonomous characters recreation simulations and virtual worlds ( game programming, movies… ) they are based on different strategies… (leer más)

Metric Geometry [Experimental Blogs]

This page links to content published selected blogs innovative educational experience. Esto es una selección de los trabajos que han publicado el último mes los grupos que se han formado para dicha experiencia. I hope you like his extraordinary contribution to the educational world. The beauty of geometry… (leer más)

Failures: Tribute to Fire

Fire called chemical reaction of oxidation of combustible material violent, flames with evolution of, heat, water vapor and carbon dioxide. It is an exothermic process. From this point of view, fire is the visual manifestation of combustion. A set of computer-generated animations synthetic illustrate these concepts.

“We are not Hicks: Proportionality” [Blogs experimental]

I present another “Educational Blogs” involved in innovative educational experience that develops in the EUITA. The choice of name (similarly to other groups submitted) asocia los lados de un triángulo pitagórico (Hicks), namely, un triángulo rectángulo, con los constituyentes del grupo. El doble sentido de… (leer más)

Raytracing : How much does a 3D image?

The image synthesis animation used in movies is expensive to produce. Once created a three-dimensional scene, and the corresponding scene, is necessary to make the process of image generation, is known under the name of “rendering”. Ver Rendering o Renderización (Wikipedia) To render a final image, are usually performed crowd… (leer más)