Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías neurociencia

Brain II [ Wallpaper ] [ Imagen ]


To study the brain are often used images that allow you to see its outer surface (cortex) or distinct parts which are inside (agmídala, brain…)
Sagittal sections normally used to represent the inside while, Thanks to modern techniques of representation, can simulate cortex transparent walls which allow observation of the elements normally hidden. The picture is a representation of the cortex with the technique of creating “halo” Blender itself, as an alternative models estos.

Brain [ Wallpaper ] [ Imagen ]


A synthetic image of the most important organ of the human body, wallpaper format 1280 x 1024, made with Blender from a network pattern found in 3DStudio Max format. Different textures have been applied to different regions of the cerebral cortex. To get the image resolution suitable to press with the… (leer más)

The beauty of pollination [ TED ] [ Video ]


Louie Schwartzberg told us about the dependence we have on each other in one of those wonderful talks we see in TED , The talk was accompanied with beautiful images captured with high-speed cameras: The hidden beauty of pollination Pollination: it’s vital to life on Earth, but largely unseen by the human eye…. (leer más)

Recreational physical : Pendulum Waves o “The dance of the pendulums”


Simple pendulums fifteen coupled lengths ranging monotonically increasing together and produce a waveform which varies with time

One might call this kinetic art getting a beautiful choreography with dance of the pendulums.

The Antikythera mechanism [School]

Within the work that our students have posted on their blog are those that refer to aspects of the geometry of antiquity dating. The interest in the technical aspects of difficult explanation is reflected in articles like the one with one of the most interesting mysteries: Antikythera mechanism (Antikythera).

Blogs experimental: Starting an experience of educational use of blogs

The pedagogical debate on the educational use of blogs, formative perspective, has led to the development of many innovative educational experiences. In the EUITA of the UPM , during this course, se añade una más en la que se usa el blog como cuaderno de equipo, en una aproximación digital de las… (leer más)