Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Software Categories

Physical Simulation: A step away from reality

First came the video cards… Ahora empiezan a aparecer nuevos chips orientados a la simulación física que pronto se convertirán en elementos imprescindibles en nuestros equipos, for both leisure and technical simulations in various disciplines. La evolución de las características de los videojuegos ha impulsado una carrera en el desarrollo de metodologías y estándares para la… (leer más)

Compose Images View: Rotation [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

After seeing a real example (ledge of apple orchards) on composing panoramic images, we get into our virtual laboratory to analyze some possibilities of software “Microsoft Image Composite Editor” To perform the various tests that subject this creation software panoramic compositions, It has built a simplified model… (leer más)

Compose Images View [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

When we travel and find scenery like we can get several photos of the same place to take a full memory of what we perceive visually. These partial images (limited by the camera lens) they can become an overview linking the different shots. Met it a very easy to use tool to the… (leer más)

Morphing Control: Picture duration [ with Squirlz Morph ]

One of the aspects that need to be adjusted by morphing is the duration or number of frames needed for two different stages. Initial and final transition between two images exhibition of images. If only two images are used we can add extra time with a functionality of Morph menu: Morph -> Hold Start/End Images… (leer más)

Morphing Control: Analysis of topological distortions [ with Squirlz Morph ]

Hemos visto que se puede distorsionar topológicamente el plano al realizar un morphing. Este efecto de distorsión se materializa visualmente en forma de círculos y ondas que distorsionan la imagen. Veamos con un ejemplo esquematizado este fenómeno que debemos controlar para asegurar una calidad en nuestras transiciones. Supongamos que queremos realizar un morphing entre dos… (leer más)

Morphing Control: Distortions topological [ with Squirlz Morph ]

Determining control points by morphing how to perform the movement of the image for “mutate” between frames. A simple checkpoint radically changes the result of the transition between the images, to determine how they are transformed image planes. In the following video “plays” with… (leer más)

Morphing Phases : Example applied to faces [ with Squirlz Morph ]

The process of “Morphing” between two images is a mix between a molten image processing and geometric surfaces. Control points displacements indicate that the images will suffer. The proper management of these control points results in a higher quality “transition” between images. Here is an… (leer más)

How to Make a Morphing two images [with Squirlz Morph]

Después de ver qué es un morphing, we will perform a complete example, from downloading the software to the production of the image file with the sequence calculated. In this example, let the basic sequence for creating a “morphing” between two images. Existen muchas aplicaciones que facilitan la tarea de creación de… (leer más)

3D Animation, windows interface [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

In the previous article, 3D Animation, introduction to the interface, we began exploring the interface. Hemos visto varios ejemplos sencillos que nos empiezan a mostrar la capacidad de producción que nos facilita el programa Blender.Continuamos la introducción a esta potente herramienta de animación 3D viendo cómo podemos modificar el sistema de ventanas para adaptarlo a nuestra forma… (leer más)

VA-Deosen with photos “Photo Story 3”: Generate video

We continue with our tutorial “Photo Story 3”. The last step in creating our video composed of photos, narrated text and background music, is to generate the video in a format (codecs) that is viewable video viewer, or we can upload to Youtube for example, para distribuirlo en la… (leer más)