Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

April Archive 2014

The problem with the pool table: Solución

By raising the issue of the pool table, that is to hit one of the two balls that are on the table (A for example) , so that it impacts the other (la B) previously given in one of the bands (edges) Table, flipping the closed problem to a simple bounce case.

We can generalize the problem considering that you can give, before impact with the second ball, a given number of impacts with the bands (lateral edges) Table.

Printers 4D

As the proteins change shape, we can design objects that vary their shape throughout its life. We can even get items that are assembled automatically.

The following TED talk illustrates this interesting concept.

Europe 24 : Viewing 24 European air traffic hours

You know how many aircraft ply European airspace on any given day of summer?
What are the main points of departure and arrival of these 30.000 aircraft?
The importance of communication and trade between countries can be glimpsed in this fascinating simulation created from actual radar data, in which the movements of the aircraft are displayed accelerated 1440 times.

Modifiers in Blender

The primitives are the basis of the modeling is done by manually editing vertices, edges and facets, or by applying modifiers that apply more or less complex transformations on a set of these elements.

Modifiers are operators that transform an object fit and, or, Topology, nondestructively, namely, retaining its previously defined in the application of modifier. In general what is allowed to operate on the object, preserving original state su, automatically replaces what would have to do a tedious and repetitive form.

Volume Shaders : Volume absorption [ Blender ][ Cycles ]

Cycles includes nodes that model the passage of light through the objects interacting with them. One of these models is called shader calculation “Volume absortion”, it is especially suitable for working with transparent objects (used in combination with the shader “Glass” inter alia) o simular humo y nubes.

What if the moon was a disco ball?

What if the moon mirrored recubriéramos like a giant disco ball? How would it affect the lighting of the earth? What would a moonset?

These questions have led to the realization of this computer animation, pretending that our satellite is covered with 3012 mirrors an area ranging between 100 and 150 square kilometers, with a refractive index (IOR) of 1,56.

Equivalent figures : Square equivalent [I]

Geometric figures can be compared with each other by reference for this comparison both its shape and its size.

Based on the different combinations that can be found in these comparisons will classify in:

Similar forms: Have the same shape but different size
Equivalent forms: They have different but equal size (Volume of the area)
Congruent shapes: Have the same shape and size (equal)
Overall, to obtain a form equivalent to another given, use an equivalent square as intermediate between two equivalent figures. Thus, first discuss how to obtain a square equivalent to a geometric figure.

Volume absorption [ Blender ][ Wallpaper ]

Incorporates Blender Cycles render volumetric imaging allowing increasingly realistic. Although the shader is in constant development, the degree of maturity that has largely simulates the behavior of light in different areas.
Next to simulate techniques such as participating media Scattering, the absorption of light along the volume of the scene allows us to play with its attenuation with distance from the emission source. A new node with which continue to experience in our classes.

GIF animado 3D

An animated GIF file is constructed from a sequence of images that show then sequentially.

You can generate an animated GIF file that produces the sensation of depth, Podremos realize that without 3D glasses, by an optical effect or optical illusion, deceiving the senses; These files are constructed by superimposing two vertical bands on the sides of the image.