Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Digital edition

Compose Images View: Rotation [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

After seeing a real example (ledge of apple orchards) on composing panoramic images, we get into our virtual laboratory to analyze some possibilities of software “Microsoft Image Composite Editor” To perform the various tests that subject this creation software panoramic compositions, It has built a simplified model… (leer más)

Compose Images View [Microsoft Image Composite Editor]

When we travel and find scenery like we can get several photos of the same place to take a full memory of what we perceive visually. These partial images (limited by the camera lens) they can become an overview linking the different shots. Met it a very easy to use tool to the… (leer más)

Forms threadlike animation: Tubes

There are different techniques to generate all or part of the objects we use in creating computer animations. Knowledge of these techniques allow us to choose in each moment that best suits our needs in each case. Filiform forms are very useful in editing scenarios and parts… (leer más)

Animation: Simplification of polygonal meshes

The speed and storage requirements of the geometry for subsequent representation sometimes forced to make simplifying models. Multiresolution techniques can face the problem by establishing models with different levels of detail for use depending on the size of the representation (distance to the camera), permitiendo la visualización de… (leer más)

3D Animation, Text: Transform [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

The text is editable symbolic object that can be represented with different fonts. The parameters that alter their appearance is limited to a few values ​​that globally modify some dimension. Mediante la conversión a superficies de los “objetos texto” se amplian las posibilidades de manipulación. Un texto es un objeto o… (leer más)

Effects of reflection in water : Baseline : Software Sqirlz Water Reflections

The reflection of light on a surface responds to a simple geometric pattern. The axial symmetry about a plane or can explain and calculate their behavior. El software Sqirlz Water permite obtener imágenes reflejadas utilizando estos patrones de comportamiento de la luz, as we have seen to enter the “reflection in water“ Para analizar… (leer más)

VA-Deosen with photos “Photo Story 3”: Generate video

We continue with our tutorial “Photo Story 3”. The last step in creating our video composed of photos, narrated text and background music, is to generate the video in a format (codecs) that is viewable video viewer, or we can upload to Youtube for example, para distribuirlo en la… (leer más)

VA-Deosen with photos “Photo Story 3” Add texts

We have taken a comprehensive look at the application “Photo Story 3” from Microsoft to generate movies from a collection of photographs. Let's see in detail how to place text on photos, and some “trick” effects to text. Para añadir el texto a nuestras imágenes… (leer más)

MovieMaker and duration of a still image.

Con MovieMaker se puede realizar una secuencia que nos presente de forma automática nuestras fotos (in the form of video al we can add music to comments).

By default, the duration of each image is 5 seconds, but you can change this interval to speed them up or slow presentation cadence. This is especially useful when we want to make a video from images chained, namely, a sequence taken as a “burst” photos or computer-generated.