Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Digital edition

Chroma key in MovieMaker: Image Overlay

It inserting the chroma chroma (del ingles Chrome key) audiovisual technique is widely used in film and television and photography, which involves the replacement of a fund for another by computer. This is done because it is too costly and unworkable cutout characters to complete background or frame… (leer más)

The audio track in MovieMaker


Una herramienta muy sencilla de edición de vídeo no lineal es la que nos proporciona Microsoft en sus sistemas operativos: Windows Movie Maker. This software lets you edit videos and visually add an audio track.

Editing is done by chaining short sequences to which they can incorporate a number of basic effects and transitions. There is a professional tool and therefore it is very limited in functionality although often to our purpose.

Pixel: That great unknown

En este artículo se analiza el concepto de “píxel gráfico” desde diferentes perspectivas, aportando reflexiones y enlace con diferentes disciplinas; Pensamientos interconectados a través de su estudio durante años de aprendizaje en el mundo gráfico. Al ser propuesta como redacción libre, It is approached from a relaxed speech without losing the rigor that grants… (leer más)

Optical Illusions views with Photoshop. Analysis Panel.

A tool like Photoshop can be used to view a picture from another conceptual perspective. Besides their use for composing and generating for illustration purposes, can be used for other tasks, as the analysis of an illusion, a medical image etc.. El mundo de la imagen nos ofrece curiosidades que afectan al… (leer más)

Cartagena365, Careta de entrada

There are initiatives that add richness to the network and allow their expansion more universal if possible. They may be funded or performed by large economic groups individually; in the latter case they deserve our special appreciation. From the first day of January, and uninterruptedly, We have enjoyed a new window… (leer más)

Google is censored after the Chinese Wall [ Illustration and links ]

A New Approach to China to Google cyber-attack was executed by the Chinese government searches (terms) que bloque China Gobierno alemán recomienda dejar de usar Internet Explorer Alemania pide a los usuarios que no utilicen Internet Explorer