Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Iluminación

Sweet & Sour


Otro ejemplo de animación por ordenador de los que utilizo en la asignatura de libre elección que imparto a mis alumnos, que nos sirve para discutir sobre aspectos de la iluminación de escenarios. Un corto de animación de 15 minutos de duración que mezcla imagen 3D de síntesis con animación plana y shaders “cartoon” consiguiendo… (leer más)

One Rat Short [animation]

A new video which I use as examples in art classes “Animation for ordenador” with my engineering students.

En este caso es una obra de amor creada por Charlex Films que transcurre en dos escenarios, cold one, dirty and dark in opposition to another clean, septic and illuminated.

From Portrait Oval Antonio Frias BSO Sergio Martin

In Octubre, coincidiendo con the semana of Halloween, publiqué in from blog que uso con mis alumnos the asignatura “Animation for ordenador”, un pequeno corto of animation que ahora he rescatado para su dissemination in abierto. Los aspectos técnicos of will ejemplos shaped partly del discurso teaching que if many in las clases, sirviendo… (leer más)

Node editor: HSL color [Blender]

The best known color model is the RGB; uses three channels of information to the primary color components (Red, green and blue) and, sometimes, Additional other known “alpha” which is used for information about the transparency of each pixel. Existen otros modelos como el HSL que representan los colores con otro… (leer más)

Darling with the dark side [Students work][Blender]

During the last months has been published on the blog a Blender course, free software 3D animation. The course has been an innovative educational experience in which they have participated 50 technical inegenieria Aviation of the UPM students. The experience has consisted of giving training on a blended basis, with… (leer más)

3D Animation, Efectos: Create a Halo [Blogs experimental][ Blender ]

A halo can be classified within the lighting elements, or be considered a special effect. We have seen an example of using this technique as in the case of Halo of the Sun; we will see how to define and how to adjust some of its parameters. La clasificación tiene sentido para la organización del interface… (leer más)

Luna Lunera & @goefry


Moon, lunera, cascabelera blue eyes, brown face. moon, lunera, under the bed cascabelera have dinner. The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet,… (leer más)

PIXAR and jumping lamp, Luxo Jr


In 1986 Pixar Animations Studios produced his first animated short film, since then jumping lamp appears on your logo. Looking for this first job I have found different videos in the company of great interest, as animation “wireframe” This short, en la que no se han aplicado texturas ni iluminación a la… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Christmas (X) Star [Imagen 1280×1024]

New desktop background 1280 x 1024 for Christmas wallpapers gallery. It has been made with Blender, rendering example to my students of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador”. En breve os enseñaré sus trabajos que son muy meritorios. En este caso jugamos con las texturas para crear un paisaje… (leer más)

Wallpaper: Halo [Imagen 1280×1024]

After seeing the concepts needed for a “Halo” and before undertaking the practical study Blender tutorial we see an example of application in a scene with synthetic image. An image format “Wallpaper” ( WallPaper que pasará a la galería) in 1280×1024 que muestra el… (leer más)