Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Img categories synthesis

Cyprus and the Euro [ Imagen ]

A new image, made with Blender, which associates economic problems of the eurozone countries like Cyprus, in the dark background of the global economy.

A news, Cypriot playard, that does nothing to call ghosts we all have, debate rescuing the euro's survival.
The legal uncertainty of these events in contrast to our criticisms of the nationalization of enterprises in third countries. Payment of the economic excesses imposed on the population in a dark suit political and social interests.

Today is Cyprus, a small country … Tomorrow?

Formula 1 Melbourne, Australia [ Imagen ][ #F1 ]

The show starts with the speed of Formula Race 1 (F1) circuit in Melbourne (Australia).
A new season motivates us picture of the day, with a 3D model of a formula 1 reflected on planes, with a profile of Australia providing translucent color.

A new season in which we see again the struggle between the technical teams and the skill of the pilots.

El Salto, Felix Wormgartner [ School ][ Blender ]

The work of Blender course this year are breaking all records of … ¿High?

We have seen the flight of the Saturn V and now …

Hoy quiero share todos con otro de los mejores trabajos, realizado by a team of four trans alumnos 7 classes of animation with Blender and two or three otras rendering imágenes.

Pumpkins of my students (XIII) Challenge to the perception

In proposing the creation of a work halloween pumpkin my students never thought that he could get much juice to exercise.

Besides the interesting variety of models created to recreate the classic face, I found a perceptive curiosity led me to a detailed analysis of some aspects of the Gestalt Laws in class.

Wave [ wallpaper ]

One of the most intriguing aspects of Blender is the ability to use objects to represent the points (vertices) a surface.
The image that I bring today is made from a plane deformation undergone by a sinusoidal law, where we have changed the points of its surface by icosahedra.

Pumpkins of my students (XII) [ Blender ]

Reviewing the work of my students are algunosque not been published since for some reason had not fulfilled the initial objectives. In reviewing the series pumpkins “halloween pumpkins”, within the course of computer graphics and animation we are doing, I found this curiosity that has been mixed with the work of creating a fund to give reasons for the Christmas scene..

Modifiers in Modeling: Helicoide [ Blender ]

Helicoide axial recto

A helix is ​​a surface generated by moving a straight line with two movements:

A rotation around an axis or core,.
A translation in the direction of the axis.
This generation model is applicable to the construction or manufacture of many technical elements, como las escaleras helicoidales, the drill bits, arid drag elements etc..

En Blender se puede generar un helicoide mediante el uso de “Hooks”, extrusions and modifier “Array” we have seen in modeling.

Happy holidays CAJAL

From these pages I want to commend the work of researchers from different disciplines, and in particular, those involved in the project Cajal Bluebrain from different agencies such as the Instituto Cajal or universities like PSU ( coordinating the project and brings supercomputing center CesViMa for your super computer simulation Margerit), URJC(taking responsibility for developing advanced display systems) , and Castilla-La Mancha.

Channels of an image synthesis


We have often spoken of “Transparency channel” de una imagen, which describes the points or “pixels” of said image which do not have an associated color and thus are “transparent”.

A Blender, transparency canal, can get other channels, appropriately combined, defining the final image.