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View Walking with cane smiling Vs


Students Making Cycle Audiovisual IES The Trough have made a video in which we introduce the process of training assistance dogs for the blind. As Rocio says in the interview, Walking a dog is smiling.

EVEN [Imagen]

Always struck me this neologism: “Breast”.

In the world of blogs has been used to chain links between pages of different authors, as a chain in many cases, breaking its true sense of distributed conversation.

Marco Tempest: The magic of truth and lies (and iPod) [TED]


With three iPods as tools for performing magic, Marco Tempest shows us one clever meditation, surprisingly candid about truth and lies, art and emotion. Una unión interesante entre lo clásico y la innovación, de gran calidad como suelen ser las charlas de TED

Happy Mother's Day


The Mother's Day or Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated in honor of mothers. It is celebrated at different times of the year depending on the country: in Spain, nowadays, held the first Sunday of the month of may. The modern mother's day was created by Julia Ward Howe, in 1870, originalmente… (leer más)

Spanish Reverence for the people of Japan


Today I saw a human initiative blog that I found extraordinary, a tribute to the Japanese people as a video, with an action of their own culture: A bow. El gran valor simbólico de esta acción, I will surprised, is by its beauty, ya que es uno de los símbolos de… (leer más)

Japan pixelated images


These days our retinas have been impressed with the images of the earthquake suffered by Japan, and desolation that caused the tsunami that was generated on its shores. He prepared, with the flag of Japan, an image type “mosaic” with 150 Photographs of these days which passed across the network, as… (leer más)


WDL is “World Digital Library” UNESCO's initiative open to knowledge. Gather maps, texts, Photos, grabaciones y películas de todos los tiempos y explica en siete idiomas las joyas y reliquias culturales de todas las bibliotecas del planeta. You have, above all, carácter patrimonial, anticipó Abdelaziz Abid , coordinador del proyecto impulsado porla… (leer más)

Hoy 22 marzo es el Día Internacional del Agua

The UN General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/47/193 by the 22 March each year, has been declared World Water Day. The objective of World Water Day (2011) es conseguir la atención internacional sobre el impacto del rápido crecimiento de la población urbana, industrialización e incertidumbre que… (leer más)

@ Rayajosenelaire has also made banners for # letrasenelsahara

Motivo Rayajos

Chema Barragan, @rayajosenelaire, publica en Rayajos en el Aire y ha querido participar en la iniciativa #letrasenelsahara. Por una serie de motivos personales mi participación no fue posible, sin embargo no he podido resistirme a la tentación y he creado una serie de “banners” para el proyecto. Better late than never. Su trabajo ha… (leer más)

And the winner of # letrasenelsahara is

Llegamos al final del concurso Una imagen por Mil #letrasenelsahara y con ello a uno de los momentos más complicados a la par de emocionante: Choosing the winner of the competition. In total were selected 16 “Pleas” with their respective “Banners” asociados que debían contener el tag utilizado para identificar la iniciativa en la red… (leer más)