Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

categories Blender

Pumpkins of my students (III) [ Blender ]


Proposed topics in computer animation classes are developed by the student free.

From a simple script practice which advance the basics of working, each student brings their own interpretation of the theme.
In class explained, with a teaching unit, cómo realizar una Calabaza de Halloween en Blender. From working script were asked to make a wallpaper for hallowen night without specifying any restrictions.

Pumpkins of my students (II) [ Blender ]


The use of a subject, or work purposes, classes in computer animation allows us to have a reference in mind on which to project our progress.

Develop the most creative part of the student while he raises a personal challenge that serves to go searching for meaning and application to technical advances that occur in learning the subject.

Pumpkins of my students (I) [ Blender ]


In the courses we offer to perform computer animation, as exercise, different compositions are inspired by some social issue. This year we used “Halloween” como referencia temática para componer una imagen tras la segunda clase del curso. Son imágenes que se corresponden con una primera etapa de formación, but with a meritorious work… (leer más)

Low Poly Rocks (Short animation) [ Blender ]

Sampo Rask

Sampo Rask es un animador, artista CG (Computer Graphics), interesado en el mundo de la visualización. Miembro fundador de PISTOKE.

Low Poly Rocks es uno de sus últimos trabajos realizado con Blender. Este trabajo, realizado individualmente, one man project, permite ver las capacidades creativas de Blender en manos de una única persona en un tiempo razonable.

Cycles : Materials : Vertex Paint with node “Attribute” [ Blender ]


The rendering engine “Cycles” materials relies on built of “shaders” and other nodes that give different attributes.

An interesting new node is called, precisely, “Attribute”. We will use this node to give texture to the object coloring its vertices.

Calabazas [ Wallpaper ]

Two halloween pumpkins

By playing with the models used for halloween pumpkins made with Blender, and three pumpkins, We have made this scene gathering the two models.

A strong contrast in terms of the models creates a complex atmosphere, between the dark and the ludicrous.

Blender “latest build” vs “Official build”

Release Logs Thumbs

Live blender is a software which is in a continuous process of development. Every so often, a new official version is considered stable enough to be used in production.

Al started Blender can see him revision number on build, that starts with the letter “r”. This number appears on the Home screen or “Splash Screen” we can get from the menu “Help”

Blender 2.64 New version of 3D animation suite

The latest version of the software suite 3D animation production, Blender, is available for download. The new version introduces many improvements, incorporates new features and revises many other increasing efficiency and manageability. In particular note is the incorporation of the new native rendering engine “Cycles” and… (leer más)